- 30 Mar, 2017 1 commit
Patrick H. Lauke authored
While `placeholder` is nominally valid per spec http://rawgit.com/w3c/html-api-map/master/index.html#accessible-name-and-description-calculation it is inelegant, a fallback, and not supported in ios/safari/voiceover and android/chrome/talkback, to name a few combinations `aria-describedby` is also not really the right tool for providing a name/label equivalent, so remove that from the list of possible alternative methods / clarify how it can be used
- 28 Mar, 2017 11 commits
Praveen Puglia authored
Johann-S authored
Pierre Vanduynslager authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Johann authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
* fix image stretching due to flexbox * fix broke text-muted on dark bg * no img-fluid needed
- 27 Mar, 2017 2 commits
- 26 Mar, 2017 16 commits
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
- add .col-*-auto to the extend in our grid framework mixins so it gets padding - this means we can avoid the col-12 classes in our docs for the responsive variants
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Catalin Zalog authored
Change the .navbar-toggler to default contextual .navbar-*-color. <iframe height='265' scrolling='no' title='Bootstrap - .navbar-toggler color' src='//codepen.io/zalog/embed/MJLZOE/?height=265&theme-id=light&default-tab=css,result&embed-version=2' frameborder='no' allowtransparency='true' allowfullscreen='true' style='width: 100%;'>See the Pen <a href='http://codepen.io/zalog/pen/MJLZOE/'>Bootstrap - .navbar-toggler color</a> by Catalin Zalog (<a href='http://codepen.io/zalog'>@zalog</a>) on <a href='http://codepen.io'>CodePen</a>. </iframe>
- 24 Mar, 2017 10 commits
Sid authored
Add missing v4 docs for tooltip/popover methods
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Pierre-Denis Vanduynslager authored
Pierre-Denis Vanduynslager authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
instead of flex column, use wrap and an explicit flexbox break with flex-basis 100% on the navbar-collapse. add some additional container styles for enabling flex behavior when content isn't immediate child of .navbar