- 26 Mar, 2017 6 commits
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Catalin Zalog authored
Change the .navbar-toggler to default contextual .navbar-*-color. <iframe height='265' scrolling='no' title='Bootstrap - .navbar-toggler color' src='//codepen.io/zalog/embed/MJLZOE/?height=265&theme-id=light&default-tab=css,result&embed-version=2' frameborder='no' allowtransparency='true' allowfullscreen='true' style='width: 100%;'>See the Pen <a href='http://codepen.io/zalog/pen/MJLZOE/'>Bootstrap - .navbar-toggler color</a> by Catalin Zalog (<a href='http://codepen.io/zalog'>@zalog</a>) on <a href='http://codepen.io'>CodePen</a>. </iframe>
- 24 Mar, 2017 16 commits
Sid authored
Add missing v4 docs for tooltip/popover methods
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Pierre-Denis Vanduynslager authored
Pierre-Denis Vanduynslager authored
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
instead of flex column, use wrap and an explicit flexbox break with flex-basis 100% on the navbar-collapse. add some additional container styles for enabling flex behavior when content isn't immediate child of .navbar
Mark Otto authored
Mark Otto authored
Pierre-Denis Vanduynslager authored
Pierre-Denis Vanduynslager authored
Generate correct breakpoints for navbar-toggleable-* and generate toggleable without media query to never collapse
Mark Otto authored
Patrick Hayes authored
The example code has the class `"modal fade"`, but the visible example has the class `"modal"`. `"fade"` appears to not work for modals that you do not intend to animate onto the page
- 23 Mar, 2017 2 commits
Johann authored
Fix Modal documentation about _handleUpdate method + move to public scope
Pierre Vanduynslager authored
Fix accordion behavior with JQuery interface
- 22 Mar, 2017 2 commits
Gifford Nowland authored
fix data-pause documentation for carousel
Johann authored
Carousel - Add attributes from and to for Slid and Slide events
- 21 Mar, 2017 3 commits
Pierre Vanduynslager authored
Bardi Harborow authored
Mark Otto authored
- 20 Mar, 2017 11 commits