1. 25 Jul, 2018 2 commits
  2. 15 Jul, 2018 2 commits
    • ysds's avatar
      Fix custom range thumb style (#26385) · 48c723b6
      ysds authored
      * Fix focus box shadow of custom ranges
      * Put `:focus` selector right after `.custom-range`
      * Remove unnecessary `outline: none`
      * Fix box-shadow issues in IE/Edge
      * Better align
      * Fix thumb vertical positions in IE/Edge
      * Fix incorrect formula of thumb vertical positions in Webkit
      * Fix an incorrect comment
      * Fix incorrect box-shadow-width
    • Andrew Luca's avatar
      Fix `custom-forms` heights and position (#25602) · 0fd40837
      Andrew Luca authored
      Now `.custom-control` will have height equal to `$font-size-base`
      Fix custom checkbox and radio top position (we can't subtract rem from unit)
      `$line-height-base - $custom-control-indicator-size` is not valid
      Because `$line-height-base` is a unitless variable and `$custom-control-indicator-size`
      is a unit (rem) variable
  3. 24 Jun, 2018 1 commit
  4. 22 May, 2018 2 commits
  5. 30 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  6. 24 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  7. 14 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  8. 02 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  9. 12 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  10. 19 Feb, 2018 1 commit
    • Mark Otto's avatar
      Custom range input (#25600) · 470b4472
      Mark Otto authored
      * added the styling
      * added the documentation
      * update for one rule per line
      * fix hound error: trailing whitespace
      * trimmed off vendor prefixes
      * Add note about track and thumb
      * Psuedo-elements must be split across multiple rulesets to have an affect
      * Fix firefox inner focus
      * Seems that FF is the only one affected by this
      * Add support for gradients
      * Add labels, clarify min/max changes
      * add step example
      * add custom range vars
  11. 16 Jan, 2018 1 commit
  12. 06 Jan, 2018 1 commit
  13. 27 Dec, 2017 1 commit
    • Mark Otto's avatar
      Rewrite custom file input · b01e81ed
      Mark Otto authored
      - Changes the wrapping label to a div so we can style the label instead of another element while also supporting form validation.
      - Fixes form validation styles for custom file input (closes #24831).
      - Updates docs with validation styles (also adding example feedback text while I was there) and new how it works section.
  14. 24 Dec, 2017 1 commit
  15. 23 Dec, 2017 1 commit
    • Mark Otto's avatar
      Form check markup v2 (#25050) · 16f14172
      Mark Otto authored
      * match layout behaviors
      * ditch the indicator as separate element for psuedo-elements on the label
      * move disabled to attribute only on input
      * redo default inline check to support new markup
      * redo inline forms
      * clean up vars
      * update validation mixin to new structure
      * update checks in docs
      * linting for for/id attributes
  16. 27 Nov, 2017 1 commit
  17. 24 Nov, 2017 2 commits
    • Mark Otto's avatar
      Custom select updates (#24699) · 2ec1606a
      Mark Otto authored
      * Add support for size attribute on custom selects
      * Add large custom select, document it and the small variant
      * fix custom select focus state
      * fix custom file input focus styles
      * remove empty line
    • Mark Otto's avatar
      Rewrite custom form check backgrounds (#24697) · 4829350a
      Mark Otto authored
      * Rewrite custom form check backgrounds
      Previously, this was all just a background-color and background-image. When we restored the gradients though, we had two background-images competing on the same element, causing rendering glitches. This refactors that code, creating a mixin to simplify things, so we can we easily use two background-images (SVG icon and gradient) when -gradients is set to true.
      Fixes #24598
      * restore default vars
      * Revamp custom check and radio backgrounds
      Instead of applying multiple background-image's to the same element, we're adding a new ::before pseudo-element to layer the background-images. Gradients go on the .custom-control-indicator while their icons go on the ::before element. This allows us to shave some bytes from when we compile and we previously needed to redeclare the background-image for the icon if you changed the gradient.
      * remove now unused mixin
      * mention change in migration docs
  18. 15 Nov, 2017 1 commit
  19. 06 Nov, 2017 2 commits
  20. 19 Oct, 2017 1 commit
    • Mark Otto's avatar
      Gradients and shadows (#24429) · 06641ca0
      Mark Otto authored
      * Update the form focus mixin to use a manual `$enable-shadows` check so we can always ensure a focus state for accessibility and consistency
      * - Add new `$input-btn-focus-width` and `$input-btn-focus-color` variables.
      - Replace separate `$btn-focus-box-shadow` and `$input-focus-box-shadow`
      variables with unified `$input-btn-focus-box-shadow` to match our
      combined variables approach elsewhere.
      * Put new focus width var to use in buttons mixins
      * use new button input-box shadow var
      * Add a new mixin for quickly adding linear gradient to components when $enable-gradients is set to true
      * use correct var
      * fix focus shadows in button mixins
      * Add opt-in gradients to alerts, buttons, carousel, custom radios and checkboxes, custom file input, and dropdown items
      * Generate .bg-gradient- utilities
      * add headings to colors page and document bg-gradient utils
      * update the button color for active status, check with yiq as it's done for basic state an...
  21. 03 Oct, 2017 2 commits
  22. 02 Oct, 2017 1 commit
  23. 11 Aug, 2017 2 commits
  24. 16 Jul, 2017 1 commit
    • Patrick Yeo's avatar
      (#22414) Rename for consistency `$custom-checkbox-border-radius`,... · 696b2bee
      Patrick Yeo authored
      (#22414) Rename for consistency `$custom-checkbox-border-radius`, `$custom-checkbox-icon-checked`, `$custom-checkbox-indeterminate-bg`, `$custom-checkbox-icon-indeterminate`, `$custom-checkbox-indeterminate-box-shadow`, `$custom-radio-border-radius`, `$custom-radio-icon-checked` to `$custom-checkbox-indicator-border-radius`, `$custom-checkbox-indicator-icon-checked`, `$custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-bg`, `$custom-checkbox-indicator-icon-indeterminate`, `$custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-box-shadow`, `$custom-radio-indicator-border-radius`, `$custom-radio-indicator-icon-checked`, respectively
  25. 14 Jun, 2017 1 commit
    • Patrick Yeo's avatar
      (Fixes #22414) Rename for consistency `$custom-checkbox-radius`,... · d7867377
      Patrick Yeo authored
      (Fixes #22414) Rename for consistency `$custom-checkbox-radius`, `$custom-checkbox-checked-icon`, `$custom-checkbox-indeterminate-indicator-color`, `$custom-checkbox-indeterminate-icon`, `$custom-radio-radius`, `$custom-radio-checked-icon`, `$custom-select-sm-font-size`, to `$custom-checkbox-border-radius`, `$custom-checkbox-icon-checked`, `$custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-color`, `$custom-checkbox-icon-indeterminate`, `$custom-radio-border-radius`, `$custom-radio-icon-checked`, `$custom-select-font-size-sm` respectively
  26. 13 Jun, 2017 1 commit
    • Patrick Yeo's avatar
      (#22414) Rename for consistency `$custom-control-disabled-indicator-bg`,... · 2317b7fc
      Patrick Yeo authored
      (#22414) Rename for consistency `$custom-control-disabled-indicator-bg`, `$custom-control-disabled-description-color`, `$custom-control-checked-indicator-color`, `$custom-control-checked-indicator-bg`, `$custom-control-checked-indicator-box-shadow`, `$custom-control-focus-indicator-box-shadow`, `$custom-control-active-indicator-color`, `$custom-control-active-indicator-bg`, `$custom-control-active-indicator-box-shadow` to `$custom-control-indicator-disabled-bg`, `$custom-control-description-disabled-color`, `$custom-control-indicator-checked-color`, `$custom-control-indicator-checked-bg`, `$custom-control-indicator-checked-box-shadow`, `$custom-control-indicator-focus-box-shadow`, `$custom-control-indicator-active-color`, `$custom-control-indicator-active-bg`, `$custom-control-indicator-active-box-shadow`, respectively
  27. 22 Apr, 2017 2 commits
    • Mark Otto's avatar
      Redo the small custom select vars · ca44f5b0
      Mark Otto authored
      — Sizing shorthand comes last
      — Add height var and put it to use
    • Mark Otto's avatar
      Change how input and select height is computed · dc3af671
      Mark Otto authored
      — Previously we weren't including the border-width on the computed height, leading to alignment issues.
      — New system utilizes three variables (not ideal, but straightforward) for computing these heights. One for the vertical border, one for the line-height/font-size/padding dance, and one to add those together.
      — Updates CSS across forms and custom forms to use new sizing. Special note here: form validation icon sizing uses the inner variables because background-image doesn't bleed into borders unless explicit background-clip.
  28. 10 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  29. 09 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  30. 18 Mar, 2017 2 commits
    • Theriault's avatar
      Add :empty to .custom-file-control selector (#22176) · 6f42daf7
      Theriault authored
      <label class="custom-file"><input type="file" class="custom-file-input" /><span class="custom-file-control"></span></label>
      <label class="custom-file"><input type="file" class="custom-file-input" /><span class="custom-file-control">test.txt</span></label>
    • naicko's avatar
      Update scss mixins to comply with scss-linting rules (#22151) · 890c6041
      naicko authored
      * Fixed some linting issues
      * Run npm tasks after scss cleanup
      * Revert "Run npm tasks after scss cleanup"
      This reverts commit 1103a0da.
      * Property sort order for grid
      * Let's respest the property order in the mixins
      * Respect property sort order in reboot file
      * ::-ms-expand is a vendor-prefix, add it to the scss-lint disable
      * Revert hover mixin comment
      * Fixed missing mixin hover-focus
  31. 03 Mar, 2017 1 commit