- 21 May, 2021 7 commits
XhmikosR authored
* @babel/cli ^7.13.14 → ^7.14.3 * @babel/core ^7.14.0 → ^7.14.3 * @babel/preset-env ^7.14.1 → ^7.14.2 * @rollup/plugin-commonjs ^18.0.0 → ^19.0.0 * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve ^11.2.1 → ^13.0.0 * clean-css-cli ^5.2.2 → ^5.3.0 * eslint ^7.23.0 → ^7.26.0 * eslint-config-xo ^0.35.0 → ^0.36.0 * eslint-plugin-import ^2.22.1 → ^2.23.2 * eslint-plugin-unicorn ^29.0.0 → ^31.0.0 * glob ^7.1.6 → ^7.1.7 * hugo-bin ^0.70.0 → ^0.71.1 * node-sass ^5.0.0 → ^6.0.0 * postcss ^8.2.9 → ^8.3.0 * qunit ^2.14.1 → ^2.15.0 * rollup ^2.44.0 → ^2.48.0 * stylelint ^13.12.0 → ^13.13.1 * stylelint-config-twbs-bootstrap ^2.1.0 → ^2.2.0 * vnu-jar 21.2.5 → 21.4.9
midzer authored
XhmikosR authored
Node.js 10 is EOL since 30/04/2021
Mark Otto authored
XhmikosR authored
XhmikosR authored
XhmikosR authored
- 30 Apr, 2021 1 commit
Mark Otto authored
- 28 Apr, 2021 1 commit
Carson Sievert authored
Dropdown: support `.dropdown-item` wrapped in `<li>` tags
- 15 Apr, 2021 1 commit
Patrick H. Lauke authored
`aria-haspopup="true"` is really intended to signal that an ARIA `menu` will be opened on activation. as a result, some assistive technologies will announce controls with `aria-haspopup="true"` as a menu or menu item (e.g. JAWS and NVDA). In addition, `aria-haspopup` seems to trigger a bug in Edge/Narrator where the `aria-expanded` state is not correctly announced at the moment when `aria-haspopup` is present. This now makes the dropdown button more like a generic disclosure widget control - see also https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.2/examples/disclosure/disclosure-navigation.html01
- 06 Apr, 2021 1 commit
Stefano Bartoletti authored
- 05 Apr, 2021 5 commits
XhmikosR authored
* @babel/cli ^7.13.0 → ^7.13.14 * @babel/core ^7.13.8 → ^7.13.14 * @babel/preset-env ^7.13.9 → ^7.13.12 * @rollup/plugin-commonjs ^17.1.0 → ^18.0.0 * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve ^11.2.0 → ^11.2.1 * autoprefixer ^10.2.4 → ^10.2.5 * clean-css-cli ^5.2.0 → ^5.2.2 * eslint ^7.21.0 → ^7.23.0 * eslint-plugin-unicorn ^28.0.2 → ^29.0.0 * globby ^11.0.2 → ^11.0.3 * hugo-bin ^0.69.0 → ^0.70.0 * karma ^6.1.1 → ^6.3.2 * postcss ^8.2.6 → ^8.2.9 * qunit ^2.14.0 → ^2.14.1 * rollup ^2.40.0 → ^2.44.0 * stylelint ^13.11.0 → ^13.12.0 Also lock jQuery to v3.5.1 since 3.6.0 has a bug that affects at least our tests
XhmikosR authored
XhmikosR authored
XhmikosR authored
* switch to async/await * remove shelljs * switch to globby; supports .gitignore out of the box * don't write any files to the disk if they are indentical * add two more cmd switches: --dry and --verbose * strip leading "v" from version arguments so that we don't end up with duplicate `v`s
XhmikosR authored
- 19 Mar, 2021 1 commit
Mark Otto authored
- 11 Mar, 2021 3 commits
Patrick H. Lauke authored
Carousel: use buttons, not links, for prev/next controls
XhmikosR authored
Mark Otto authored
- 02 Mar, 2021 6 commits
XhmikosR authored
* @babel/cli ^7.12.16 → ^7.13.0 * @babel/core ^7.12.16 → ^7.13.8 * @babel/preset-env ^7.12.16 → ^7.13.9 * eslint ^7.20.0 → ^7.21.0 * eslint-config-xo ^0.34.0 → ^0.35.0 * eslint-plugin-unicorn ^28.0.1 → ^28.0.2 * hugo-bin ^0.68.0 → ^0.69.0 * linkinator ^2.13.4 → ^2.13.6 * lockfile-lint ^4.3.7 → ^4.6.2 * rollup ^2.39.0 → ^2.40.0 * stylelint ^13.10.0 → ^13.11.0
XhmikosR authored
XhmikosR authored
XhmikosR authored
XhmikosR authored
Nikon the Third authored
The `test` method on regexes does not behave like `match` on strings for checks if the regex matches when the global modifier (g) is present. Also adds a unit test on tooltips for sanitizing the same template twice. Co-authored-by:
XhmikosR <xhmikosr@gmail.com>
- 18 Feb, 2021 1 commit
XhmikosR authored
* Update clean-css-cli to v5.2.0 * Enable clean-css's batch flag
- 17 Feb, 2021 9 commits
XhmikosR authored
Simplify karma.conf.js `customLaunchers` does not seem to be needed.
XhmikosR authored
* @babel/cli ^7.12.13 → ^7.12.16 * @babel/core ^7.12.13 → ^7.12.16 * @babel/preset-env ^7.12.13 → ^7.12.16 * @rollup/plugin-babel ^5.2.3 → ^5.3.0 * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve ^11.1.1 → ^11.2.0 * eslint ^7.19.0 → ^7.20.0 * eslint-plugin-unicorn ^27.0.0 → ^28.0.1 * karma ^6.0.4 → ^6.1.1 * postcss ^8.2.5 → ^8.2.6 * rollup ^2.38.5 → ^2.39.0 * stylelint ^13.9.0 → ^13.10.0 Kept clean-css-cli to 4.x for the time being.
XhmikosR authored
* Update the default value for $enable-deprecation-messages As seen in the https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/v4-dev/scss/_variables.scss, the `$enable-deprecation-messages` variable is set to `true` by default.
Patrick H. Lauke authored
* Add a callout for the sanitizer in popovers and tooltips * Add second reference to sanitizer in the options Co-authored-by:
XhmikosR <xhmikosr@gmail.com>
XhmikosR authored
Should work now with folders with spaces
XhmikosR authored
XhmikosR authored
Unfortunately, they don't offer a `v1` tag
XhmikosR authored
Wesley Haines authored
Avoid bug in Firefox where text appears "noisy" due to text-shadow applying to focused form fields.
- 15 Feb, 2021 2 commits
Gaël Poupard authored
Fixes #30131 Issue mentions `form-control` but it impacts `.custom-select` — but not `textarea` since it has a qualifying type selector that increases its specificty. So another way could be to set `select.custom-select` and `input.form-control`. Would there be any other tag concerned by those classes? Co-authored-by:
XhmikosR <xhmikosr@gmail.com>
XhmikosR authored
* use `in` instead of `strings.Contains` since the latter is not documented * use `cond`
- 09 Feb, 2021 1 commit
XhmikosR authored
* @babel/cli ^7.12.10 → ^7.12.13 * @babel/core ^7.12.10 → ^7.12.13 * @babel/preset-env ^7.12.11 → ^7.12.13 * @rollup/plugin-babel ^5.2.2 → ^5.2.3 * @rollup/plugin-commonjs ^17.0.0 → ^17.1.0 * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve ^11.1.0 → ^11.1.1 * autoprefixer ^10.2.3 → ^10.2.4 * eslint ^7.18.0 → ^7.19.0 * karma ^5.2.3 → ^6.0.4 * karma-qunit ^4.1.1 → ^4.1.2 * linkinator 2.11.2 → ^2.13.4 * postcss ^8.2.4 → ^8.2.5 * rollup ^2.38.0 → ^2.38.5 * vnu-jar 20.6.30 → 21.2.5
- 08 Feb, 2021 1 commit
pricop authored