1. 21 Oct, 2021 1 commit
  2. 05 Oct, 2021 1 commit
  3. 28 Sep, 2021 2 commits
  4. 15 Sep, 2021 15 commits
  5. 14 Sep, 2021 1 commit
  6. 09 Sep, 2021 1 commit
    • Patrick H. Lauke's avatar
      v4: Disabled link cleanup (#34924) · f4a1a35c
      Patrick H. Lauke authored
      manual backport of #34886
      per https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#docconformance
      > It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use `aria-disabled="true"` on an `a` element with an `href` attribute.
      >If a link needs to be "disabled", remove the `href` attribute.
      This PR removes the unnecessary `href="#"`, `tabindex="-1"`, and `aria-disabled="true"` from disabled links in both docs pages and examples. `aria-disabled="true"` *is* kept for disabled link-based buttons (that have `role="button"`) as there it's appropriate to use (you *want* to convey to assistive technologies that this thing you're claiming is a button is also disabled at the moment)
      Further, the PR extends the "Link functionality caveat" to show the "proper" way (removing `href` and adding `.disabled` class only) to disable a link, but then explains what to do if that's not possible (and then keeps an example with all the traditional `href="#" tabindex="-1" aria-disabled="true"`, but explains clearly that it's not ideal). Same sort of explanation is also added to the pointer event utilities page
  7. 08 Sep, 2021 3 commits
  8. 25 Jul, 2021 1 commit
  9. 21 Jul, 2021 9 commits
  10. 08 Jul, 2021 1 commit
  11. 24 Jun, 2021 1 commit
    • k-utsumi's avatar
      :bug: Enable `0.x` with negative margins @ v4 (#33593) · 086c0bfc
      k-utsumi authored
      * :bug: Enable `0.x` with negative margins @ v4
      I set it as below, but no negative margin was added.
      `$spacers: (0\.5: ($spacer * .125));`
      After investigating, it seems that `0 \ .5` is also evaluated as 0.
      So I changed it to string comparison.
      HTML example: `<img class="mt-n0.5">`
      * :green_heart: Clear CI errors
  12. 09 Jun, 2021 1 commit
  13. 02 Jun, 2021 1 commit
  14. 21 May, 2021 2 commits
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Update devDependencies · c2f949c1
      XhmikosR authored
      * @babel/cli                       ^7.13.14  →   ^7.14.3
      * @babel/core                       ^7.14.0  →   ^7.14.3
      * @babel/preset-env                 ^7.14.1  →   ^7.14.2
      * @rollup/plugin-commonjs           ^18.0.0  →   ^19.0.0
      * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve       ^11.2.1  →   ^13.0.0
      * clean-css-cli                      ^5.2.2  →    ^5.3.0
      * eslint                            ^7.23.0  →   ^7.26.0
      * eslint-config-xo                  ^0.35.0  →   ^0.36.0
      * eslint-plugin-import              ^2.22.1  →   ^2.23.2
      * eslint-plugin-unicorn             ^29.0.0  →   ^31.0.0
      * glob                               ^7.1.6  →    ^7.1.7
      * hugo-bin                          ^0.70.0  →   ^0.71.1
      * node-sass                          ^5.0.0  →    ^6.0.0
      * postcss                            ^8.2.9  →    ^8.3.0
      * qunit                             ^2.14.1  →   ^2.15.0
      * rollup                            ^2.44.0  →   ^2.48.0
      * stylelint                        ^13.12.0  →  ^13.13.1
      * stylelint-config-twbs-bootstrap    ^2.1.0  →    ^2.2.0
      * vnu-jar                            21.2.5  →    21.4.9
    • midzer's avatar
      Replace freenode with libera IRC server (#34050) · fb604bc0
      midzer authored