1. 22 Oct, 2021 2 commits
  2. 28 Sep, 2021 1 commit
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Update devDependencies (#35068) · 44a01ec5
      XhmikosR authored
      * @babel/cli                   ^7.15.4  →  ^7.15.7
      * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve  ^13.0.4  →  ^13.0.5
      * autoprefixer                 ^10.3.4  →  ^10.3.6
      * glob                          ^7.1.7  →   ^7.2.0
      * nodemon                      ^2.0.12  →  ^2.0.13
      * postcss                       ^8.3.6  →   ^8.3.8
      * postcss-cli                   ^8.3.1  →   ^9.0.0
      * qunit                        ^2.17.1  →  ^2.17.2
      * rollup                       ^2.56.3  →  ^2.57.0
  3. 15 Sep, 2021 3 commits
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Add eslint-plugin-qunit · 5391ecdf
      XhmikosR authored
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Update devDependencies · e202996a
      XhmikosR authored
      * @babel/cli                   ^7.14.8  →  ^7.15.5
      * @babel/core                  ^7.14.8  →  ^7.15.4
      * @babel/preset-env            ^7.14.8  →  ^7.15.6
      * @rollup/plugin-commonjs      ^19.0.1  →  ^20.0.0
      * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve  ^13.0.2  →  ^13.0.4
      * autoprefixer                 ^10.3.1  →  ^10.3.4
      * clean-css-cli                 ^5.3.0  →   ^5.3.3
      * eslint                       ^7.31.0  →  ^7.32.0
      * eslint-config-xo             ^0.37.0  →  ^0.38.0
      * eslint-plugin-import         ^2.23.4  →  ^2.24.2
      * eslint-plugin-unicorn        ^34.0.1  →  ^36.0.0
      * hugo-bin                     ^0.74.0  →  ^0.76.1
      * qunit                        ^2.16.0  →  ^2.17.1
      * postcss                       ^8.3.5  →   ^8.3.6
      * rollup                       ^2.53.3  →  ^2.56.3
      * vnu-jar                      21.6.11  →   21.9.2
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      npm scripts: add `aggregate-output` (#32907) · f9a79141
      XhmikosR authored
  4. 21 Jul, 2021 1 commit
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Update devDependencies · 5d24fef7
      XhmikosR authored
      * @babel/cli                       ^7.14.3  →  ^7.14.8
      * @babel/core                      ^7.14.3  →  ^7.14.8
      * @babel/preset-env                ^7.14.2  →  ^7.14.8
      * @rollup/plugin-commonjs          ^19.0.0  →  ^19.0.1
      * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve      ^13.0.0  →  ^13.0.2
      * autoprefixer                     ^10.2.5  →  ^10.3.1
      * eslint                           ^7.26.0  →  ^7.31.0
      * eslint-config-xo                 ^0.36.0  →  ^0.37.0
      * eslint-plugin-import             ^2.23.2  →  ^2.23.4
      * eslint-plugin-unicorn            ^31.0.0  →  ^34.0.1
      * globby                           ^11.0.3  →  ^11.0.4
      * hugo-bin                         ^0.71.1  →  ^0.73.0
      * karma                             ^6.3.2  →   ^6.3.4
      * karma-firefox-launcher            ^2.1.0  →   ^2.1.1
      * linkinator                       ^2.13.6  →  ^2.14.0
      * nodemon                           ^2.0.7  →   ^2.0.12
      * node-sass                         ^6.0.0  →   ^6.0.1
      * postcss                  ...
  5. 21 May, 2021 1 commit
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Update devDependencies · c2f949c1
      XhmikosR authored
      * @babel/cli                       ^7.13.14  →   ^7.14.3
      * @babel/core                       ^7.14.0  →   ^7.14.3
      * @babel/preset-env                 ^7.14.1  →   ^7.14.2
      * @rollup/plugin-commonjs           ^18.0.0  →   ^19.0.0
      * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve       ^11.2.1  →   ^13.0.0
      * clean-css-cli                      ^5.2.2  →    ^5.3.0
      * eslint                            ^7.23.0  →   ^7.26.0
      * eslint-config-xo                  ^0.35.0  →   ^0.36.0
      * eslint-plugin-import              ^2.22.1  →   ^2.23.2
      * eslint-plugin-unicorn             ^29.0.0  →   ^31.0.0
      * glob                               ^7.1.6  →    ^7.1.7
      * hugo-bin                          ^0.70.0  →   ^0.71.1
      * node-sass                          ^5.0.0  →    ^6.0.0
      * postcss                            ^8.2.9  →    ^8.3.0
      * qunit                             ^2.14.1  →   ^2.15.0
      * rollup                            ^2.44.0  →   ^2.48.0
      * stylelint                        ^13.12.0  →  ^13.13.1
      * stylelint-config-twbs-bootstrap    ^2.1.0  →    ^2.2.0
      * vnu-jar                            21.2.5  →    21.4.9
  6. 05 Apr, 2021 2 commits
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Update devDependencies · 67f873f4
      XhmikosR authored
      * @babel/cli                    ^7.13.0  →  ^7.13.14
      * @babel/core                   ^7.13.8  →  ^7.13.14
      * @babel/preset-env             ^7.13.9  →  ^7.13.12
      * @rollup/plugin-commonjs       ^17.1.0  →   ^18.0.0
      * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve   ^11.2.0  →   ^11.2.1
      * autoprefixer                  ^10.2.4  →   ^10.2.5
      * clean-css-cli                 ^5.2.0  →    ^5.2.2
      * eslint                        ^7.21.0  →   ^7.23.0
      * eslint-plugin-unicorn         ^28.0.2  →   ^29.0.0
      * globby                        ^11.0.2  →   ^11.0.3
      * hugo-bin                      ^0.69.0  →   ^0.70.0
      * karma                         ^6.1.1  →    ^6.3.2
      * postcss                       ^8.2.6  →    ^8.2.9
      * qunit                         ^2.14.0  →   ^2.14.1
      * rollup                        ^2.40.0  →   ^2.44.0
      * stylelint                     ^13.11.0  →  ^13.12.0
      Also lock jQuery to v3.5.1 since 3.6.0 has a bug that affects at least our tests
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Improve change-version.js (#33148) · 459cc246
      XhmikosR authored
      * switch to async/await
      * remove shelljs
      * switch to globby; supports .gitignore out of the box
      * don't write any files to the disk if they are indentical
      * add two more cmd switches: --dry and --verbose
      * strip leading "v" from version arguments so that we don't end up with duplicate `v`s
  7. 02 Mar, 2021 3 commits
  8. 18 Feb, 2021 1 commit
  9. 17 Feb, 2021 1 commit
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Update devDependencies · 23a26e12
      XhmikosR authored
      * @babel/cli                   ^7.12.13  →  ^7.12.16
      * @babel/core                  ^7.12.13  →  ^7.12.16
      * @babel/preset-env            ^7.12.13  →  ^7.12.16
      * @rollup/plugin-babel           ^5.2.3  →    ^5.3.0
      * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve   ^11.1.1  →   ^11.2.0
      * eslint                        ^7.19.0  →   ^7.20.0
      * eslint-plugin-unicorn         ^27.0.0  →   ^28.0.1
      * karma                          ^6.0.4  →    ^6.1.1
      * postcss                        ^8.2.5  →    ^8.2.6
      * rollup                        ^2.38.5  →   ^2.39.0
      * stylelint                     ^13.9.0  →  ^13.10.0
      Kept clean-css-cli to 4.x for the time being.
  10. 09 Feb, 2021 1 commit
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Update devDependencies (#32967) · ce8af15a
      XhmikosR authored
      * @babel/cli                  ^7.12.10  →  ^7.12.13
      * @babel/core                 ^7.12.10  →  ^7.12.13
      * @babel/preset-env           ^7.12.11  →  ^7.12.13
      * @rollup/plugin-babel          ^5.2.2  →    ^5.2.3
      * @rollup/plugin-commonjs      ^17.0.0  →   ^17.1.0
      * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve  ^11.1.0  →   ^11.1.1
      * autoprefixer                 ^10.2.3  →   ^10.2.4
      * eslint                       ^7.18.0  →   ^7.19.0
      * karma                         ^5.2.3  →    ^6.0.4
      * karma-qunit                   ^4.1.1  →    ^4.1.2
      * linkinator                    2.11.2  →   ^2.13.4
      * postcss                       ^8.2.4  →    ^8.2.5
      * rollup                       ^2.38.0  →   ^2.38.5
      * vnu-jar                      20.6.30  →    21.2.5
  11. 27 Jan, 2021 1 commit
  12. 19 Jan, 2021 1 commit
  13. 13 Jan, 2021 4 commits
  14. 08 Jan, 2021 1 commit
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Update devDependencies · 6b788acf
      XhmikosR authored
      * @babel/cli                   ^7.12.8  →  ^7.12.10
      * @babel/core                  ^7.12.8  →  ^7.12.10
      * @babel/preset-env            ^7.12.7  →  ^7.12.11
      * @rollup/plugin-babel          ^5.2.1  →    ^5.2.2
      * @rollup/plugin-commonjs      ^16.0.0  →   ^17.0.0
      * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve  ^10.0.0  →   ^11.0.1
      * autoprefixer                 ^10.0.2  →   ^10.2.1
      * cross-env                     ^7.0.2  →    ^7.0.3
      * eslint                       ^7.14.0  →   ^7.17.0
      * eslint-config-xo             ^0.33.1  →   ^0.34.0
      * eslint-plugin-unicorn        ^23.0.0  →   ^25.0.1
      * find-unused-sass-variables    ^3.0.0  →    ^3.1.0
      * hugo-bin                     ^0.66.2  →   ^0.68.0
      * linkinator                    ^2.2.2  →   ^2.11.2
      * nodemon                       ^2.0.6  →    ^2.0.7
      * postcss                      ^8.1.10  →    ^8.2.3
      * postcss-cli                   ^8.3.0  →    ^8.3.1
      * qunit                        ^2.12.0  →   ^2.13.0
      * rollup                 ...
  15. 24 Nov, 2020 1 commit
  16. 19 Nov, 2020 1 commit
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Switch to Hugo · b46f05a9
      XhmikosR authored
      This commit includes all the needed workarounds and most changes from the main branch for everything to work, like:
      * removing empty lines in raw HTML that break output
      * read .browserslistrc, CSS variables from disk instead of duplicating it
      * using Hugo mounts
      * using Hugo for the docs CSS/JS
      * move ToC Sass code to a separate file while adapting it for Hugo
      Thus, this patch makes our npm scripts faster since lint runs on one step and there's no separate docs assets processing.
  17. 13 Nov, 2020 2 commits
  18. 05 Nov, 2020 1 commit
  19. 30 Oct, 2020 1 commit
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Update devDependencies · 76d4f728
      XhmikosR authored
      * autoprefixer                ^9.8.6  →  ^10.0.1
      * find-unused-sass-variables  ^2.0.0  →   ^3.0.0
      * linkinator                  ^2.2.0  →   ^2.2.2
      * postcss-cli                 ^7.1.2  →   ^8.2.0
  20. 27 Oct, 2020 1 commit
  21. 13 Oct, 2020 2 commits
  22. 30 Sep, 2020 2 commits
  23. 21 Sep, 2020 1 commit
  24. 15 Sep, 2020 1 commit
  25. 10 Sep, 2020 1 commit
  26. 06 Aug, 2020 1 commit
  27. 04 Aug, 2020 1 commit
  28. 03 Aug, 2020 1 commit
    • XhmikosR's avatar
      Update devDependencies and gems · 6879a3c5
      XhmikosR authored
      * @babel/cli                   ^7.10.4  →  ^7.11.0
      * @babel/core                  ^7.10.4  →  ^7.11.0
      * @rollup/plugin-babel          ^5.0.4  →   ^5.1.0
      * @rollup/plugin-commonjs      ^13.0.0  →  ^14.0.0
      * @rollup/plugin-node-resolve   ^8.1.0  →   ^8.4.0
      * autoprefixer                  ^9.8.4  →   ^9.8.6
      * eslint                        ^7.4.0  →   ^7.6.0
      * karma                         ^5.1.0  →   ^5.1.1
      * rollup                       ^2.21.0  →  ^2.23.0