input-size is generating different CSS than I would expect
input-size is generating different CSS than I would expect
Created by: caleb
I'm using bootstrap-sass and in that version control sizing doesn't work (e.g. form-group-sm or form-group-lg etc, see
Looking into what is causing this led me to the Less version of bootstrap, and I think something is wrong with the input-size
mixin and how it's being used. While the Sass version is broken, and I think the Less version works, I believe the Less version isn't generating the intended CSS.
The less code from forms.less (
.form-group-lg .form-control {
.input-size(@input-height-large; @padding-large-vertical; @padding-large-horizontal; @font-size-large; @line-height-large; @input-border-radius-large);
Generates this CSS code:
textarea.form-group-sm .form-control,
select[multiple].form-group-sm .form-control {
height: auto;
That doesn't look like the intended CSS. I would expect this:
.form-group-sm textarea.form-control,
.form-group-sm select[multiple].form-control {
height: auto;
Is this wrong? I would be interested in trying to create a patch if it is.