position:fixed focused button flickers on Edge+IE when scrolling
position:fixed focused button flickers on Edge+IE when scrolling
Created by: lvmajor
Okay so I looked through past issues and I did find quite a few issues on affix plugin and scrolling glitches but none seems to fit this case, so if I'm wrong thanks for pointing the solution to me.
The issue is only happening on IE and Edge. When clicking on a button, it correctly activates the said button when when action is done, focus remains on the button and if we scroll on a page with these browsers, the button then starts flickering/jumping.
You can see it with this little ply by opening with IE/Edge and simply clicking the button and scrolling afterwards.
Operating system: Windows 10 Browsers: Chrome 52.0.2743.82, Edge 25.10586.0.0 and IE 11.545.10586.0