Problem with Buttons (in general) A Major ISSUE
Problem with Buttons (in general) A Major ISSUE
Created by: Achal-Aggarwal
We are using HTML 5 button element to create one. If we don't write a type attribute of that button it will automatically be treated as submit button.
If we press enter while an input field is in focus it will trigger the click event on the first submit button in that form.
Due to this if a form have several buttons and several input field pressing enter on any of the input field it will just trigger the click event on first submit button.
Like in under Button dropdowns if we have two of them in one form and if we press enter on while second one is focus the drop down of first one opens.
We don't need that "Action" button to be submit one. We can just make it simple button by giving it type="button".
This is a major issue. And there is not much to do to solve it. I don't know how to submit a patch for this as I am new to bootstrap. All I know some HTML and CSS.