2.0-wip: consider adding a bootstrap class for table
2.0-wip: consider adding a bootstrap class for table
Created by: lookfirst
I'm not sure if you will reject this or not, but I'd like to propose it now, before 2.0 goes out and it is too late.
As much as I like the base table design for bootstrap, when integrating bootstrap with other code, such as the jquery datepicker (which makes heavy use of tables for its layout), I'm left doing a bunch of work to override the defaults that bootstrap sets up. If bootstrap changes in the future, I'm having to update my code to work around those changes again.
By simply name spacing bootstrap tables, this becomes a non-issue. I already have to add a class for a border-table or condensed-table, adding one more, say: pretty-table wouldn't be that big of a stretch.
I know that you can argue that this can happen anywhere bootstrap defines the look and feel of an element, but this is one of those places where tables are used both for design, but also for layout. I know everyone is supposed to use div's these days for layout, but the reality is that not everything does and having to work around bootstrap is somewhat of a pain in this sense.
I realize this has been discussed before in other contexts (#80 (closed)), but I'd like to bring it up again.
Thanks for listening.