Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Publish to npm?
- Sidebar in docs no longer affix
- Border on input validation
- show version more prominently on website
- Add @XhmikosR to Core Team roster in the About page of the docs
- upgrade to holder.js v2.3.1
- SauceLabs Google Chrome
- shrinkwrap.js doesn't have copyright info
- CSS Docs: Truncating text. .text-truncate instead of .text-overflow.
- border between panel-body and list-group
- iPhone fails on Sauce
- Add example for progress bar with text
- Tooltip not working on modal button
- Use different prefix for docs-specific CSS classes?
- Clarify that bs-modal-* classes are only used to target example modals
- ie8 sticky footer with sticky navbar scrollbar
- .table-bordered inside .panel does not show horizontal border between <thead> and first child of <tbody> (Chrome and Safari)
- Korean language translation
- Add back to top button in docs
- Grunt Fails with Bower Package
- Basic template
- Distribution zip folder named simply "dist"
- Section reorder suggestion in customizer
- Migration docs don't mention .modal.fade.hide => .modal.fade change
- Removal of .help-inline is missing from the migration guide
- Migration guide says .input-sm is new equivalent of .input-small, etc.
- Removal of .btn-inverse is missing from the migration guide
- Nested popovers' arrow css clashes
- Clean up the Dashboard Example
- Clean docs/dist/ with Gruntfile
- Docs do not reflect 3.1 modal change
- v3.1.1 ship list
- input-group in navbar-form doesn't work in 3.1.0
- Sync tooltip text in doc example
- Clarify in docs that IE10 is currently supported
- Panel corners are clipped by tables with a background-color set
- found typo in examples/dashboard/dashboard.css twbs 3.1.0
- some of the example templates fail csslint
- Typo in Docs - CSS > Using Less > Retina Images
- mention specific affected Safari versions in Justified Nav docs
- Allow border between th cells and td cells when used inside a panel
- Documentation: note on grid reset is outdated
- Documentation image placeholders not rendered in IE
- Animated progress bars do work in IE10+
- Text below circles in Dashboard example poorly aligned
- Missing border from input in button addons while focus
- There is no focus highlighting for buttons in active state
- visible-sm visible-lg
- Dropdown events not work
- has-error does not change the color of buttons in an input-group
- Input search rounded inside .input-group (Safari iOS)