Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Flexbox grid columns not full width at small viewport sizes
- .input-group with .form-control-sm & .btn-sm renders incorrectly vs. .input-group-sm
- .form-control-{sm,lg} height sizing classes don't work on <select>s
- Migration docs don't mention .list-inline-item
- Allow customization of icons for .form-control-success, etc.
- .card-img-top .img-fluid: card same width not respected
- Courier New for code,pre looks awful in Ubuntu Linux 15.10
- missing responsive screen size variables
- input groups are broken when using flexbox
- jQuery 3.0 in Bootstrap v4
- V4 Docs - need clearfix on content/typography horiz description example?
- SVG with .img-fluid should always be shown in fullwidth
- Breadcrumbs :hover showing underline under separator when using <div> instead of list
- Contextual classes don't work properly with .table-inverse
- ESLint rules need to be updated
- Docs aren't clear about whether .card-columns orders cards vertically or horizontally
- Custom forms - lack of color variables
- Selecting any text on the page prevents custom radios/checkboxes from being (un)checked in Chrome
- Rename .btn-*-outline to .btn-outline-*
- v4 migration - dropdown's restructured, no .caret, no .dropdown
- v4-alpha Card columns on small screens
- .form-control-label padding causes horizontal misalignment with other grid text
- "Browsers and devices" doc lists iOS Firefox as N/A
- Why fieldset as .form-group instead of div's?
- Cards in .card-deck do not always have same width
- Floated button is vertically misaligned with .input-group in form if we use 14 px as default font size
- Make print-media optional
- Placeholder links (e.g. <a>...</a>) shouldn't be styled as hyperlinks.
- v4 - Split button dropdowns get excess width when active on mobile devices
- card-columns card over-flow content is not visible
- .dropdown-toggle::after causes offset alignment in a container when used with .pull-*-right
- Building docs with Jekyll doesn't use latest built /dist/ assets
- .form-control-label padding-left breaks non-grid forms
- Disabled .custom-select isn't styled differently from enabled select
- Other table modifier classes don't work in combination with .table-inverse
- v4 - Horizontal Alignment (justify-content) with FlexBox.
- Why I need to write col-xs-12 if I want full column width on mobile with Flexbox grid?
- Include reasoning & suggested replacements for dropped widgets in migration docs
- .card flex rules break in Internet Explorer 10-11
- Toggleable navbars do not transition on collapse
- Update to normalize.css v4.0.0
- Mixin make-col() adds float: left when this is not included in make-grid-columns()
- Documentation: Varying modal content demo does not work
- Upgrade to JSCS 3.0.0
- Consider enabling more new ESLint rules
- v4 migration guide doesn't mention removal of .help-block class
- Update jQuery to 2.2.1
- Add width:100% utility class
- Rename .label class to .tag
- v4 migration docs don't mention that badges in .list-group are no longer automatically pulled right
- col-xs-n required in v4 to apply col- class behavior at small viewport size
- v4 - Add more flex grid helper classes
- Add new vars: $input-bg-focus and $input-color-focus
- Docs refer to make-col-span mixin that no longer exists
- Grid system broken with flex and IE10-11
- Left edges of headings and .row>.form-control-label don't align
- Customizable inverse bg color
- Using percentages in $container-max-widths
- .container, .container-fluid should be conditional upon $enable-grid-classes
- v4 - Need example of vertical alignment. May be need component.
- Remove .center-block class from the docs
- Emphasize that .list-inline also requires .list-inline-item
- Part of the v4 Grid example page still talks about v3's grid
- Redundant Headings re-declaration in _type.scss
- Cards with Tabs
- make-grid-columns mixin doesn't use its $gutter parameter
- make-col mixin is missing a $gutter parameter?
- .card-primary, .card-header, and .card-inverse don't work well together
- Bootstrap 4 + jQuery 3 unit test failures/errors
- Default properties for col-sm (-md, -lg, -xl) -* disappeared?
- Why do cards have an unconditional box-shadow?
- Top corners of singleton .list-group-item within a card aren't rounded
- Consider adding CSS display utility classes
- flex-shrink / flex shorthand in _grid-framework.scss
- v4 migration guide doesn't mention the removal of the .badge class
- Input group when changing form control size
- .card-outline-* classes no longer work
- Card-Deck class set card margin bottom to 0
- "engines" setting in package.json needs updating
- Add clearfix mixin to .card-header
- .card-block missing clearfix
- .card-inverse mixin should invert .card-subtitle color
- .list-group-item links style has changed or lost
- images center-block doesn't work
- Remove markdown-it if it's no longer used
- Migration docs don't mention grid class renames from #19099
- Labels of custom checkboxes and radios lack pointer cursor
- Include Flexbox-enabled version of Bootstrap on Flexbox Grid docs page
- Enable ESLint and JSCS in Hound
- Inconsistent JS file encodings
- Use :lang() and a Sass map to deal with translations of custom file input text?
- Add migration guidance for Dropdowns
- docs' SCSS code does not pass the linter
- Improve Migration Doc for .help-block and .form-group
- v4: Specify how the validation cases should be used
- Vertical spacing for form with both p.text-help and p.text-muted is broken
- Add Alignment class changes to Migration docs
- Tab plugin's show method isn't documented
- Native browser tooltip for title shows on first keyboard focus in IE/Edge (in addition to Bootstrap's custom tooltip)
- documentation layout broken when compiling Bootstrap with Flexbox support
- .popover-title has illegal negative border-radius values
- Use SRI for jQuery and Tether
- Include Tether via CDN in starter templates
- Empty progress bar tweaks are Firefox-only
- Horizontal description list lacks sufficient left-hand margin/padding
- File browser too wide on iOS/iPhone
- panel-title to card-title migration docs
- Document recommended Autoprefixer `browsers` setting
- Document removal of non-responsive .text-left/right/center classes
- On Chrome, in .input-group-sm, addon is slightly taller than .form-control
- Consider renaming .form-control-label
- Disable Hound for Ruby code
- Migrate from uber/npm-shrinkwrap to regular `npm shrinkwrap`
- Holder.js <img>s in docs examples use data-src instead of src in highlighted code
- Responsive Utilities docs still think the grid is in em instead of px
- Consider combining "Dropdowns" and "Button dropdown" docs pages
- _dropdown.scss references defunct .pull-right class
- @error when $grid-breakpoints isn't in ascending order
- Use variables for <progress> base colors
- Label text isn't vertically aligned with value text in grid forms when using .form-control-{sm,lg}
- Layout Overview docs still think the grid is in em instead of px
- Add live example of .dropdown-menu-right
- Add .h1 – .h6 example to docs
- v4 docs overflow <= 526px width
- v4 alpha 3 ship list
- v4: Grids
- v4: Type
- v4: Cards
- Replace grunt-sed with npm script
- Custom forms: use an SVG image instead of PNG
- Remove useless .col-*-offset-12 and .col-xs-offset-0 classes
- flex - classes with justify-content
- v4 Checkbox label font weight hard-coded
- v4 Getting Started TOC is missing 3 pages
- Invert selectors in input group
- Styling for disabled checkboxes and radio buttons
- Document that @screen-*-min were replaced by $grid-breakpoints
- Modal width causes content getting cut off in small viewport sizes
- Many .card-* classes lack prose docs
- Add dependencies to package.json and bower.json
- datetime-local, date, month, time <input>s are taller than other <input>s in Chrome/Edge
- Reboot: why is @viewport manually vendor prefixed?
- Push pre-release V4 Bootstrap-Sass gem
- Card background-variants don't play nicely with .text-muted
- Change .col-{size}-{n} to .col.{size}-{n}
- Broken link to Transitions plugin in Collapse docs
- Navbar at top of v4 Offcanvas example is broken
- v4 - Varying modal content example missing JS
- Add auto-width columns for flexbox grid
- v4 - No flexbox grid documentation
- v4 responsive utilities test cases line-wrap confusingly on smaller screens