Patch for npm and a few other updates we could squeeze in.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Invalid US-ASCII character "\xE2" in v4Alpha3.0
- Source js files are not included in npm package for v4
- Wrong border-radius variable for .input-group-addon
- text-emphasis-variant mixin links don't darken
- Progress Documentation ToC
- Dropdown examples in docs are broken
- V4 documentation still mention pull-right and pull-left classes
- Input Group Segemented Button Icon Spacing
- Docs are contradictory as to which classes should be used and when and how (in what combinations, etc) for stacked and inlined checkboxes/radios markup
- js/ directory missing from v4 alpha 3 on npm
- Migration docs: divider is renamed dropdown-divider
- Cannot use other units than 'px' for $alert-padding variable
- Media object's margin-top is enabled only when flex is disabled
- v4: a.text-muted:hover broken
- Docs are contradictory for radio/checkbox classes
- Flexbox Vertical and Horizontal alignment not working on examples
- v4 Alpha 3 references nonexistent dist/js/npm.js in package.json
- v4 Alpha 4 ship list
- .bg-inverse's text color and background-color are the same, making text unreadable
- Fat split dropup in v4