Proposed focus: documentation overhaul, add subnav component, and add affix plugin.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- 2.0.4 navbar-form inputs and buttons don't align
- Alert Documentation Typo
- Misalignment of input-append on modal
- Higher z-index for tooltips in fixed navbar
- H1 tag height changes with use of small tag
- Please add a .modal max-width
- Missing rounded corners in .form-search input
- v 2.0.3 broke span{1..12} in table cells in a fluid-container
- Adding .hide() to input no longer works
- .form-inline span.uneditable-input vertical-align
- Docs sidebar visual quirks in Chrome for Android.
- .container width: 940px; is repeated
- round-border for table-bordered doesn’t work with colgroup
- Entities in documentation's example code should be escaped
- Li border-radius error
- License for Glyphicons is unclear
- Responsive grid rendering fails with non default values
- Grey background <select> on chromium linux
- Dropdown btn-groups in form-inline do not display inline
- Blockquote pull-right
- Fluid grid automation
- Issue with placeholder text color
- btn-group cannot be hidden with hide
- Select borders not rounded
- Thumbnails with large images break responsive layout below 768px
- navbar <p> and <a> type baseline miss-aligned
- Docs inconsistent with responsive utility classes
- round-border for table-bordered doesn’t work with tfoot
- regression - commit '750bada' breaks modal component
- Less for wells is not consistent with the base less variables
- scrollto doesn't work in mountain lions' safari.
- Style tooltip
- Pagination's .active in well has wrong background color
- Grammar error on Readme
- Button Example Usage
- .table-hover highlights rows in <thead>
- input-append doesnt render properly on -responsive
- Wrong URL in error.txt
- Better integration between input-append and search-query
- icon-folder-open not wide enough
- 2.1.0-wip -- thumbnail placeholder incorrect
- .table-bordered -- border-collapse
- white-space: nowrap for prepend & append inputs
- dropdown button gets split into two lines
- input type="image" -- distorted by 2.0.4 changes
- form-actions CSS class not documented
- Form control states: CSS3 transitions
- same width at two or more input fiels in "Inline forms"
- ScrollSpy requires <element class="nav">
- Add static, full-width navbar variation
- Transparent background buttons (feature)
- v.2.0.4 [class*="span"] does not float left between 980px and 1199px media width
- navbar-fixed-top in IE fails to show dropdown items
- recuring problem in 2.0.4: Collapsable navbar not being animated the first time
- Vertical Side Navigation Bar - Highlight Issue
- Does the ie7-restore-right-whitespace() mixin make sense?
- Remove -moz-border-radius: from the CSS
- Carousel not looping
- Optional row classes aren't working in combination of .table-striped
- Inconsistency with striped progress bars
- Reopened
- Redo small?
- Btn-group out by 1px
- Span12 on textarea issue
- Mixin translate3d not translate3d?
- [bug] Caret flickers on hover in disabled dropdown
- Different magins in .pagination and .pager
- The addons and disable states should fit better together
- Badges on buttons misaligned
- Replace explicit line-height in alert.less by @baseLineHeight
- Add navbar collapse value configurable using variables.less
- Add text color parameter to buttonBackground
- muted class needs to be documented
- 2.0.4 - Alignment issue checkbox label ie9
- .spanX sizes in .row-fluid. Impossible to use .form-inline and .input-append/prepend classes
- Define responsive grid variables
- well-large and well-small need to be documented
- #1777 still an issue
- .btn-group and .btn don't vertically align nicely together
- [2.0.3] Disable table row hover effect
- 2.0.3 form alignment issue
- Customize two popovers/tooltips differently in the same page
- Add disabled states to navs and dropdowns
- typeahead/menu: add option to expand items above instead of below
- Vertical button groups and toolbars
- Overlays (Dropdowns, etc) Don't Close on Lost Focus on iOS
- [2.0-wip] Add Black Button (with source)
- Docs feature: how to extends Bootstrap
- [2.0-wip] [iOS5] Popover example doesn't close (on a special case)
- Add subnav component and behavior to BS core