Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Button focus while tabbing
- No mention of .divider-vertical in the doc
- Problem with collapsed menu bar when page is 980px wide
- a tiny button class
- How is 'clearfix' implemented within twitter-bootstrap??
- label gets hard-coded sans-serif font and ignores @baseFontFamily
- help-block and help-inline
- class btn on button and on href issue
- provide example for Nesting columns with fluid grid
- Responsive Documentation Should Note that it's All or Nothing
- icon will not show if there's other class before icon-*
- hero-unit documentation
- td has "vertical-align: top" but th has "vertical-align: bottom"
- ScrollSpy with subnav-fixed and IE9
- Labels for input type=checkbox display incorrectly
- Textarea height squeezed in responsive for max-width 480px
- Inline checkboxes, control labels, and vertical alignment
- uneditable input and append/prepend issue
- Do not use reset buttons in form examples
- No 'nav-header' for dropdowns
- Resonsive CSS 1 pixel bug.
- suggestion: define *all* (parametric) mixins in mixins.less
- .dropdown-menu a does not obey @baseLineHeight
- .disabled instead of .btn-disabled
- Minor usability problem in Docs re Icons
- The read me fails to mention that uglifyjs is required
- Multiple btn-group's that include a submit do not align
- No mentions in doc that button dropdowns requires bootstrap-dropdown.js
- Form element directly located after a modal should have no margins
- Docs missing alert close info
- Mention pull- in navigation docs
- Mention page-header in typography docs
- Mention other input sizing in docs
- Add control-group and controls to docs
- Modal with form inside a .row-fluid breaks input size
- Form controls inside navbar
- A crossbrowser ellipsis helper
- restyled Tags (with example)
- Icons within Labels Aren't Vertically Centered
- Better support for defining grid in LESS (instead of html)
- Radio buttons have no :focus state
- Add padding-top to all .inline radio/checkboxes
- Content wraps around vertical tabs
- DOC: Buttons
- Minor docs oversight
- customize css lost "text-decoration: none;" for <a>
- btn-group prevents tabbable from working
- File Input width creates issue in Firefox (10/Win)
- Mention secondary-nav in upgrade guide
- button styles
- Distribution for 2.0 is incomplete(ly documented)
- Add image path as variable
- Hover state added for active
- [examples] class="i-bar" should be class="icon-bar" in the btn-navbar
- Skew is defined twice
- [docs] Text for label-success should be "success" not "new"
- No items in the navbar with the official client for iPad
- Missing ";" in buttons.less line no. 110
- [docs] Update sizes for responsive media queries
- Disabled buttons font color change when clicked
- 2.0-wip: Long Links Overflow Dropdown Menu
- "Hide" class on input elements is overriden by form-* class
- [2.0-wip] Docs: scaffolding.html#layouts
- [2.0-wip] Dropdown toggle class breaks button group
- allow scrolling tabpar with prettify
- [2.0-wip] IE8 in Compability Mode support?
- 2.0-wip again align issue of button nd select