  • Previously the docs called for use of .control-label in the examples, but the CSS didn't make clear use of it. This class is required for horizontal forms and has been reflected in the CSS.
  • We've tried our best to improve rendering of buttons and icons across all browsers. Some issues remain; Firefox throws an !importanton line-height for inputs, so that's the big one.
  • We refined the label component style to move away from uppercase.
  • Added the black button option, .btn-inverse.
  • Added a mini button class, .btn-mini.
  • We had to re-add the protocol, http: to the HTML5 schim because IE7-8 wouldn't recognize it, dropping some HTML5 support for those browsers and introducing major performance issues.
  • Resolved some issues with responsive layouts where media queries would overlap at 768px and 980px.
  • Rearranged Scaffolding docs page to split fixed and fluid grid systems.
  • Tons of docs updates for typos and language changes.