

  • Added type="button" to all dismiss buttons in alerts and modals to avoid a bug in which they prevent their parent's form from properly submitting.
  • Added simple documentation to Base CSS for .lead.
  • Added new CSS test to illustrate how the navbar, static and fixed, behaves.
  • Clarified grid sizing copy to include mention of responsive variations.
  • Reformatted the LESS docs page to prevent terrible table displays at smaller grid sizes.
  • Miscellaneous typos and tweaks.


  • Refactored forms.less to make our selectors more specific for fewer overrides and less code. Instead of a generic input selector and various resets, we target each type of input like input[type="text"], input[type="password"], etc.
  • Form field state (e.g., success or error) now applies to checkbox and radio labels.
  • Removed redundant CSS on <p> for font-family, font-size, and line-height.
  • Removed redundant color declaration from the <label> element.
  • Added variables for dropdown dividers border colors.
  • legend and .form-actions share the same border-color, #e5e5e5.
  • Fixed some responsive issues with input-prepend and -append, notably with the fluid grid.
  • Added special CSS to prevent max-width: 100%; on images from messing up Google Maps rendering.
  • Scope opened dropdowns to only immediate children to avoid unintended cascade.
  • Similarly, scope floated-right dropdowns to immediate children with .pull-right > .dropdown-menu.
  • Updated .placeholder() mixin to use & operator in Less for proper output when compiling.
  • Added -ms-input-placeholder to .placeholder() mixin.
  • Added CSS3 hyphens mixin.
  • Fixed a bug in IE7/8 where certain form controls would not show text if the parent had a filter opacity set.