Submitted by returnofjuju t3_zwuznx in space
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Submitted by rebordacao t3_zf2aqk in GetMotivated
TIL for the Untouchables Brian De Palma casted Bob Hoskins in case De Niro could not appear. De Palma mailed Hoskins a check for his contracted fee of $200,000 with a "Thank You" note, which prompted Hoskins to call up De Palma and ask him if there were any more films he didn't want him to be in.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by KongoOtto t3_z5n8pu in todayilearned
Submitted by PhoOhThree t3_z2ke4h in television
Submitted by imanahl t3_yviema in philadelphia
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_yvo2pl in nyc
Submitted by SellingCoach t3_z8bmc7 in news
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Submitted by Maxcactus t3_yfjklc in washingtondc
Submitted by Scaulbylausis t3_y5sjml in photoshopbattles
Submitted by theworkeragency t3_11t27d7 in sports
Submitted by Jamieson22 t3_121n43z in Music
Submitted by mainething t3_11ym5f0 in Maine
PsBattle: Ruined Banksy artwork. Local council immediately removed the abandoned freezer it was painted around. Margate, UK.
Submitted by eastkent t3_1128o54 in photoshopbattles