Recent comments
The_Supreme_Rapists t1_jeh5emp wrote
Reply to comment by wsj in Evan Gershkovich Loved Russia, the Country That Turned on Him by wsj
Why don't you have Daddy Murdoch ask Putin to let him go? You Newscorp degenerates are practically an official propaganda arm of the Kremlin as it is, I'm sure russia would let them go after they're reminded this is a case of friendly fire.
degggendorf t1_jeh5eoe wrote
Reply to comment by Locksmith-Pitiful in Is it possible to live in Rhode Island on 50K-55K? by SwagKing1011
What you said was:
> You must live in a shack wtf
Do you stand by that? Or do you now realize that it's possible to have bought something in the past?
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jeh5em9 wrote
Reply to Humans create mules so they can not reproduce, perhaps because humans are afraid they will take over the world. by David-Diron
This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.
Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"
(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)
Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.
[deleted] t1_jeh5ek2 wrote
Reply to comment by TimeTraveler3056 in Bob Ross as a master sergeant for the us air force 1960s by Regionalhosier594
Entire-Library9718 t1_jeh5ekh wrote
If I had a penis I would probly just play with it 'cuz I don't know what else to do with it!
not_a_masterpiece t1_jeh5ejd wrote
Reply to comment by vermthrowaway in Beyerdynamic DT 990 seem really underwhelming by vermthrowaway
For any of these decent audiophile headphones you will want and likely need an amp. It’s pretty simple: you plug the amp into a wall, then connect one cable from your PC/laptop to the amp. Then you plug your headphones right into the amp. Your sound and volume will be massively improved and the added bonus is a nice volume knob on the amp. There are definitely cheaper amps than the Topping (which is actually an amp/DAC combo), but it will work for pretty much anything you throw at it.
yankorob t1_jeh5eij wrote
Reply to comment by elricardo1945 in New Penguin Classic book. It’s a stroke of genius. by Powder70
Reverse psychology at its finest
Relevant_Quantity_49 t1_jeh5egw wrote
Reply to comment by ScaledFloof in US Marine’s adoption of Afghan war orphan voided by flounder19
Sadly that is as American as apple pie.
>In the 1950s and ’60s, as the American Indian boarding schools fell out of favor, a new wave of assimilation policy went into effect: adoption of Native children into white homes. The Indian Adoption Project, which ran from 1958-67, was a partnership between the federal government and the Child Welfare League of America and churches around the country whose stated goal was the adoption of Native children by white families. At the time, “matching” of adoptive children with their adoptive parents was a common practice, meant to allow adoptive parents to pass their children off as biologically related. “One little, two little, three little Indians — and 206 more — are brightening the homes and lives of 172 American families, mostly non-Indians, who have taken the Indian waifs as their own,” a 1966 Bureau of Indian Affairs press release boasted. > >By the 1970s, the removal of Native children to white families was so widespread that, when the BIA commissioned a federal task force to research the phenomenon, it found that 25% to 35% of Native children around the country were removed from their homes, and 85% of those children were adopted by white families. ICWA was created in response to the report, and Congress passed the law in 1978.
fearcely_ t1_jeh5ee7 wrote
Reply to TSLA 0dte YOLO by awkwaman
Fml, I set my limit order limit too low on these when it was at 49 cents thinking it was going to dip to 25. Ended up just buying the 205 calls at 65 but god damn
capitol_acceptance t1_jeh5ebz wrote
Reply to If you had infinite wishes and any one of them became true,what would your first wish be? by abhikik
Free of this headache.
jsseven777 t1_jeh5eax wrote
Reply to comment by earthsworld in Excited for the potential for AI-Assisted Imagination. by kolob_hier
I swear there’s a comment like this on every post on this subreddit lately. What posts are even allowed here according to you?
Bunnimon t1_jeh5e6d wrote
Hello!! Lately i've been in the mood to read something pleasant, with romantic or flowery language. Does anyone have any recommendations? I would really appreciate it! :)
DeLaManana t1_jeh5dz4 wrote
Reply to comment by TedMerTed in Ecuador court upholds ‘rights of nature,’ blocks copper mine proposed for biodiversity hotspot in cloud forest by erikmongabay
Enjoy this downvote. Comments that only sow doubts are worthless.
>Can’t say that I know much about it
>but the concept seems unworkable.
Then phrase it as a question. "How could this work?" for example. What you're doing is intentionally undermining it and sowing doubt.
Mysterious_Bell4280 t1_jeh5e0k wrote
Reply to The Night Thread by Asterion7
Spring Break. Sippin and Celebratin!
ripplerider t1_jeh5dvu wrote
Reply to comment by savvaspc in ELI5: Why does every mail subscription seem to have an unsubscribe button? I have seen this even for the scammiest subscriptions. by OldDew
There are several major email marketing platforms that provide templates for unsubscribe forms and follow-up surveys for their customers to use. The one you describe sounds like it is MailChimp’s standard form. MailChimp is used by a crap ton of small to medium sized business.
wherethebicenroam t1_jeh5do4 wrote
Reply to comment by Lord_Mikal in LPT: If you forgot whether you brushed your teeth or not, go check if your toothbrush is wet or not. by [deleted]
Lightly though. Don’t want to damage the enamel during a knee jerk reaction.
Planktonoid t1_jeh5dps wrote
A bunch of water, maybe some fish and rocks.
[deleted] OP t1_jeh5dmb wrote
OptimalFlight101 t1_jeh5dm7 wrote
Reply to comment by willzyx01 in Massachusetts RMV drops case against Virginia man who overstayed vacation! by LoanWolf888
Don't worry, RMV will fuck one of us over who doesn't have a story to post on local news.
MaximumShart t1_jeh5dk9 wrote
Reply to How do you escape US politics on Reddit? by moon___fish
Tell me if you find out
Sitherio t1_jeh5dk4 wrote
Shot_Cantaloupe_3132 t1_jeh5dje wrote
Reply to What’s an immediate sign that someone should get out of a relationship? by Possible-Counter1574
Lack of trust and constant arguing.
ellenmaryc t1_jeh5dgr wrote
Reply to Garden Question by FlowerKitty2
The latest frost date I have had in central Jersey in the last 25 years was May 13.
solipsisticsundays t1_jeh5et1 wrote
Reply to The bacon double cheeseburger I had for lunch by squishydonkey
Thicc boi