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not_a_masterpiece t1_jeh5ejd wrote

For any of these decent audiophile headphones you will want and likely need an amp. It’s pretty simple: you plug the amp into a wall, then connect one cable from your PC/laptop to the amp. Then you plug your headphones right into the amp. Your sound and volume will be massively improved and the added bonus is a nice volume knob on the amp. There are definitely cheaper amps than the Topping (which is actually an amp/DAC combo), but it will work for pretty much anything you throw at it.


Relevant_Quantity_49 t1_jeh5egw wrote

Sadly that is as American as apple pie.

>In the 1950s and ’60s, as the American Indian boarding schools fell out of favor, a new wave of assimilation policy went into effect: adoption of Native children into white homes. The Indian Adoption Project, which ran from 1958-67, was a partnership between the federal government and the Child Welfare League of America and churches around the country whose stated goal was the adoption of Native children by white families. At the time, “matching” of adoptive children with their adoptive parents was a common practice, meant to allow adoptive parents to pass their children off as biologically related. “One little, two little, three little Indians — and 206 more — are brightening the homes and lives of 172 American families, mostly non-Indians, who have taken the Indian waifs as their own,” a 1966 Bureau of Indian Affairs press release boasted. > >By the 1970s, the removal of Native children to white families was so widespread that, when the BIA commissioned a federal task force to research the phenomenon, it found that 25% to 35% of Native children around the country were removed from their homes, and 85% of those children were adopted by white families. ICWA was created in response to the report, and Congress passed the law in 1978.


fearcely_ t1_jeh5ee7 wrote

Reply to TSLA 0dte YOLO by awkwaman

Fml, I set my limit order limit too low on these when it was at 49 cents thinking it was going to dip to 25. Ended up just buying the 205 calls at 65 but god damn


DeLaManana t1_jeh5dz4 wrote

Enjoy this downvote. Comments that only sow doubts are worthless.

>Can’t say that I know much about it
>but the concept seems unworkable.

Then phrase it as a question. "How could this work?" for example. What you're doing is intentionally undermining it and sowing doubt.


ripplerider t1_jeh5dvu wrote

There are several major email marketing platforms that provide templates for unsubscribe forms and follow-up surveys for their customers to use. The one you describe sounds like it is MailChimp’s standard form. MailChimp is used by a crap ton of small to medium sized business.