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Rehd96 OP t1_iuf7532 wrote

Hello, the artist is Trasf_ A friend of mine , here in Italy. He couldn't post since he Is a New user, he subscribed a little while ago.Also, had bad esperience with others social, please be nice!


Bgemb t1_iugp2it wrote

Beautifully done. I love it! Great Job!! I Love the palette used. Invokes a lot of emotion.


willpb t1_iugpenb wrote

I love the colors, form and general sensuality of the image. Great job!


LarrySunshine t1_iuhermz wrote

Iā€™d love to see more. Awesome work, love the colors and shapes.


Trasf_ t1_iuhnl10 wrote

Thank you very much! I will publish other works as soon as possible


LHEngineering t1_iuhrusz wrote

Your work is amazing! Very talented. Have you ever done exhibits or sold your art? I'm willing to bet people would pay for your work. I love your style. I like the way you blend your colors. Cheers and best to you!

EDIT: It clearly states it's watercolor, sorry.


Trasf_ t1_iuhtk8w wrote

Thank you very much! I have been painting for many years, but I have recently shown my works, I just did an exhibition.