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Aether_genes t1_itar7c4 wrote

Really? Stray dogs in my country also bites and hurts a lot of passer-by doing absolutely nothing.


Lemon_boy89 t1_itbs76c wrote

Yeah but those can't be called bad dogs, bad to humans? Sure, does that make them bad dogs? No, I mean we are considered bad by dogs when we enter their teritory but are we bad people? No. In conclusion I don't think this debate will ever go anywhere, goodbye


TurnerDiagonal t1_itcbsfh wrote

Wow youre so clever for realizing bad is a relative term. Bad dog means problematic to humans, stop with the tactical context denial.


Lemon_boy89 t1_itcglwi wrote

Well if that was the case I don't think anybody would disagree there are bad dogs.


Aether_genes t1_itbt83h wrote

I said thats one of the reasons. Also in this world when a man is mentally unstable and he commits crimes for example, like in the case of a cannibalistic serial killer, majority consideres that as a bad or evil person. Regardless of the fact that he is mentally unstable will people call him good person? No. Same logic goes to dogs.


Lemon_boy89 t1_itbtxk9 wrote

I don't think that's a suitable example, you're comparing a man killing his kind and eating them for fun to an aggrivated dog.


Aether_genes t1_itbultd wrote

Even if its a serial killer hurting others, people would have the same reaction.


Lemon_boy89 t1_itbv4jc wrote

A serial killer is still a mammal of the same intellect killing for fun and not a mammal of lower intellect defending it's territory, nor a different mammal with rabies that can't control it's agrevation. Need I explain further?


Aether_genes t1_itbxec8 wrote

And how does that help not comparing them? Of course a serial killer would think its fun because he would have lost all sense of humanity the day he went insane. Why would dogs gone insane and rabid be treated differently


Lemon_boy89 t1_itc24u5 wrote

Because they're dogs and don't find it fun, I don't think you'd exactly be having fun if you were to attack everybody you see because you couldn't control yourself and are constantly feeling anger at everything that moves. They're sick and not by choice unlike serial killers who choose to become what they are, in most cases.


Aether_genes t1_itc546l wrote

How can u confirm dogs don't find it fun? Also another major group of dogs randomly attack a non provocative person because they would want to asset dominance, is there a need to do that? No. Is the person trying to make contact in any way? No. Is the person having fun? No. Is the dog having fun while having dominance? Yes. Now talking about sick dogs, maybe they got sick at birth or later in life. How can you not say the same for the serial killer hurting people? They could be sick or mentally confused from birth or later in life. And most are. Sometimes the person wouldn't have had the choice to choose. Your logic is so flawed


Lemon_boy89 t1_itc6ezb wrote

Because they are literally sick, rabies causes dogs to be anxious, fearful and constantly agitated, those don't sound like fun feelings to me. Yes to the dog the need is there, you step into it's domaine, you're the attacker, but the dog doesn't understand how society works so how would it know it has to buy the land it calls it's territory, I can't say the same because serial killers make a choice to kill, there is usually nothing wrong with them, if they were rabid like dogs they wouldn't be able to clean everything up and be smart about killing, even if they do have a mental problem, the first time they kill is by choice, they may have less control as time passes but the first time, for a SERIAL killer, is a choice.


Aether_genes t1_itc84p7 wrote

Fr dude your logic is so flawed. Its like you're trying with every last breath to defends dogs like they're your gods and savior Btw don't confuse between a dog putting dominance over someone and a rabid dog. Those are two whole separate topics I talked about back there. Also you slow? I said a perfectly non provocative person, that means who doesn't even steps into the dogs territory either. Again a person with mental issues at birth do not have a choice because they're damaged from the start. And even a rabid dog would know killing is ultimately bad. In short , a dog killing a person and human killing a person and In return a dog killing a dog or a person killing a dog should all face the same consequences. Could change if the dog or the human is suffering mental illness. If you can't process that then your logic and reasoning is as bad as your delusions


Lemon_boy89 t1_itc92lk wrote

What? No I'm not I'm quite neutral towards dogs, but I have a different logic than yours which doesn't mean it's flawed, logic is based on knowledge and so far you haven't really enlightened me about anything you just say your logic is flawed.


Aether_genes t1_itc9ugl wrote

I really can't enlighten anyone who can't process basic sentences. I have written the same logical explanation I gave before over again, and you have only responded with answers that barely makes any sense regarding with logic. So your logic could actually be flawed. Btw you say you're neutral against dogs yet your points and words say otherwise lol


Lemon_boy89 t1_itcauwi wrote

I'm sorry but what's logical about a dog killing a dog having the same outcome as a man killing a man, a dogs morales are different from those of a man, if you would punish a dog for killing a dog the same way you'd punish a human for killing a man, not only your logic but your morale is flawed, also like if my morale was actually flawed and you actually were presenting good arguments, I'd agree but you have not typed out a single sentence based on facts, just random stuff that'd come to mind, you call my logic flawed yet you can't say why, because I don't think the same way you do? Who's logic is really flawed here


Aether_genes t1_itcc4rb wrote

Oh so you just ignore whatever I said about dog killing a man or a man killing a dog? And then proceed to complain about my morale while visibly and purposely interpreting the wrong side of the information. Even after that you can't present different consequences to different animals pulling the same act thats why I think your logic is downright flawed. Lmaoo you complain about me calling your logic flawed while proceeding to the same, so you're also a hypocrite. Also You wouldn't agree either way because from what I've collected from the past point you really like to play with words while being manipulative and not presenting with coherent points.


Lemon_boy89 t1_itc9ncg wrote

I have never heard of a dog attacking a human to assert dominance we are of a different species, unless it sees us as part of its pack or family, it won't try to assert dominance, your logic in my opinion is mostly based on assumptions which is why you jump to belittling me and trying to gaslight me whenever you don't have an appropriate response, get off your high horse


Aether_genes t1_itcb1ni wrote

I'm sorry if your act of malding is clouding your way to reply with actual points. While if you are actually project at me then I'm not on a high horse here, you are. You talk about assumptions while you assume I'm trying to gaslight you? Are you are trying to divert this argument to something irrelevant and false? Lol nice try. Btw I did say in my country in first comment so you may have never heard of it but I have and seen it too, so don't try to manipulate what I saw as illogical


Lemon_boy89 t1_itcbbk3 wrote

Aughhhhhh, aughhhhhhh


Lemon_boy89 t1_itc6mek wrote

Also my logic isn't flawed you just think of your own logic as complete and flawless, therefore you can't accept anything I say and repeat the same sentences by changing the locations of the words and sentences. This is pointless.


Aether_genes t1_itc94sb wrote

You logic is can be countered with basic human morals and reasoning, thats why simply its flawed. The only one here who's rewriting the same sentences again is you, and asking about the same point I previously wrote about while the answer being there. Yeah its is pointless arguing with you


SwiggityStag t1_itburij wrote

Why are people so eager to assign human traits to animals? Humans are capable of understanding the concept of right or wrong based on morals. Dogs are not. A dog understands what it needs to do in order to survive, and what it is taught it is and isn't supposed to do by its social group. A dog doesn't wake up one day, think "hell yeah I'm going to bite a bunch of people!", it either sees a person as a threat or has been taught that it is supposed to bite people. Animals don't understand human morals.


Aether_genes t1_itbvyvx wrote

So your whole point is that humans should sacrifice their own survival instincts and judgment and consider such dogs as good? People have their own shit to deal with, they're don't dwell in their basements all the time like you do and when rabid dog comes at someone to attack it is normal to consider them as evil or bad at the moment. Also why shouldn't mentally unstable people have the same morals? Their unfit mental conditions would basically make them same as wild animals


SwiggityStag t1_itbxbk6 wrote

My point is that a dog can do something we consider wrong but they don't do it for the sake of doing something morally wrong, because they don't and can't comprehend the concept of morals. An animal can't make the choice to do something evil because they don't know what evil is. An animal won't do something just for the sake of being cruel. I really can't simplify it for you more than that.

If someone is genuinely incapable of understanding the concept of right and wrong, no I wouldn't consider them to be evil, that would require them to deliberately do something bad. Most people are raised being taught the difference between right and wrong so it's very unlikely to happen. Dangerous? Of course. Evil? No.

Not everything is black and white, just like not everyone who disagrees with you is an evil meanie who only exists to hurt your poor little feelings.


Aether_genes t1_itbywgl wrote

Lol a deranged person also must have lost all sense of right and wrong just a like a crazed dog. Their morals could be reduced to nothingness. The unstable human could be as brain dead and have reduced intelligent to that of a dog and doesn't mean you can treat them differently. Not to mention its so clear you're narrating every sad moment and breakdowns happening to you and writing it out there. Projecting at its finest


SwiggityStag t1_itc2yuw wrote

Man, you really are incapable of talking to someone who disagrees with you without boiling over with rage. Get some therapy or something. Anyway I'm blocking you now because this is stupid, that should keep you raging for a while

Edit: Holy shit the poor kid made an alt account just to "win". I have literally never seen anyone do that before. Incredible. Very sad.


SwiggityStag t1_itbax8p wrote

The fact that they were dumped onto the street to fend for themselves, and most likely treated badly by humans for being "vermin" and therefore see them as a threat might have something to do with it. Just a guess.


Aether_genes t1_itbd98o wrote

"The fact"? that they were dumped onto the street? do u live where I do or smth? Some dogs were rabid and that was one of the reason they went haywire not maybe because "humans bad". There may be some high record of bad people in other nations but not here.

pseudo-intellect at its finest


SwiggityStag t1_itbeziu wrote

Lol okay, nobody ever does anything bad and every dog that ever gets dumped is an evil rabid hellhound just because you don't live in a developing country. You keep believing that.


Aether_genes t1_itbhiy6 wrote

🤣 ok clown. Keeping assuming stuff you concluded in your lonely space. Doesn't change the fact I live in a developing country

Btw atleast I believe what I saw. I never said nobody ever does anything bad. But oh sure mr pseudo intellect smartass here thinks something he concluded based on his imagination is right. Right, your imagination of what I saw vs what I actually saw, keep believing that


SwiggityStag t1_itbi7kx wrote

Mhm, I'm sure you know everything about every stray dog ever just from looking at some, as well as everything about me from two messages on the internet. I'm sure Mensa are desperately searching for you as we speak. Good job buddy. You're so smart that even reality has nothing on you.

Ps: Not everyone who disagrees with you is "pseudo intellectual", throwing out words you heard a guy say on the internet one time doesn't make you smart. I never claimed to be anything but a random guy of average intelligence, it doesn't take a genius to see how stupid what you said is


Aether_genes t1_itbk8st wrote

I didn't even say that? 💀 Writing random crap, changing the meaning of the sentences, pretending to be the know it all pseudo intellectual? Copium lol.


SwiggityStag t1_itbkrdf wrote

Do you know any words besides "pseudo-intellectual" by any chance, or is that the only big word that your internet "debater" friends taught you? I mean I expected you to not know what it means but this is just getting sad


Aether_genes t1_itbubhu wrote

Bro its not anymore sad than thinking you're that all-knowing pseudo intellect just because u watched rick and morty a few times. But sure keep on crying in a corner feeling you have achieved something in your life by being a keyboard warrior.


SwiggityStag t1_itbvbxb wrote

Question: Are you 12? You need to learn to understand that not everyone who disagrees with you is [insert "fallacy" or other super smart debate word you saw that you don't know the meaning of]

Seriously dude, this is the most "keyboard warrior" behaviour I've ever seen. Would it make you feel better if I told you that you won the internet argument? Do you want to add it to your little tally board? Here you go buddy, just for you. Something to hinge your self esteem on. I concede, you win the stupid pointless internet argument.


Aether_genes t1_itbwoqg wrote

did I hit a nerve? I think you should take your own offerings and maybe that may make you feel better about yourself. As for resorting to childish insults and no coherent points, it really does look like the word pseudo intellect suits you


SwiggityStag t1_itbxjix wrote

Lol, your entire response has been nothing but insults but go off. I hope that once the hormones calm down you'll stop being so damn angry, it seems like a miserable way to live. Not everyone is as angry about the opinions of strangers on the internet btw


Aether_genes t1_itbzoju wrote

I think I'm very calm but of course the pseudo intellectual would think he knows best about some stranger. It should also be mentioned that if you think I'm the one insults you should probably go through your own set of replies that have a very aggressive tone of insults, probably typed after having a couple of breakdowns. Its just a comment, no need to throw a fit lmao


SwiggityStag t1_itc2rqm wrote

I dunno man, sounds like you're seething to me with all the petty insults. Bet you're shaking with rage right now. Stay mad.

Edit: Nothing says shaking with rage like literally creating an entire alt account to "win". That's hilarious