Submitted by PsychologicalPay3478 t3_yhq0ct in Art
itchy_cheeseborn t1_iuf7x64 wrote
i love that she has sharingan cheeks.
thebluemorpha t1_iufdaoe wrote
Looks like Samantha Urbani, gorgeous!
DoozleWoozle t1_iufmwaa wrote
So beautiful. I love her eyes. You're very talented 🤗
RokujuToshi t1_iufqds4 wrote
“Keep my head in the clouds
Keep my feet on the ground”
NinjaSassyCassie t1_iufrxzi wrote
Beautiful artwork simply gorgeous! ♡
DeathByLemmings t1_iug08r6 wrote
Damn I feel like I’m being stared down on by a god
Purple_Sparkles231 t1_iug2up0 wrote
That looks like Maddie Ziegler. Striking!
Grinagh t1_iug8uvi wrote
someTALLchick t1_iug913g wrote
Absolutely gorgeous! I would build a bigger closet just so I could feature an 8x10 of this on a wall. You should be so proud! Keep up the great work
dearthofkindness t1_iugaz3x wrote
Incredible! Looks like double exposure film of a girl and sunset clouds
strawberryyogurt_ t1_iugcrg3 wrote
Oh my goodness, those eyelashes! What a gorgeous painting.
subduedscarcity53 t1_iuge5pg wrote
Wonderful work! I loved it
nickstatus t1_iugemup wrote
Sort of reminds me of Jenny Saville.
Far-Philosophy-4375 t1_iugeppt wrote
Beautiful. It feels airy. As if this is what a soul looks like
sneaky_squirrel t1_iugexr4 wrote
You lost your oil paint?
Also, why are you speaking like a pirate?
Coincidentally, nice painting you have there.
I hope you can find ye lost oil paint matey!
SurosFullAuto t1_iugo0ec wrote
I would watch the final season of this.
Michael__X t1_iugv350 wrote
I know this your art but I wish I could've painted her face
Substantial-Curve-51 t1_iugw9gd wrote
is this a photograph that you painted over with the different colors?
pixe1jugg1er t1_iugznwp wrote
Beautiful! How big is this? I’m imagining it being fairly large. It’s stunning.
708-910-630-702 t1_iuh0bar wrote
What is “lost” about this in any way?
MyAngryMule t1_iuh1nz8 wrote
Wow, this is absolutely striking. Very powerful use of color and composition!
imaginee_art t1_iuh3co9 wrote
When I look at this work I see pure emotion. You painted what was inside, for us to see who she is and what she may be feeling. I truly love your beautiful color choices they add so much to her identity, the texture is also so creative. This style of yours draws me really do paint pure emotion. If I may I'd love to know more about the creating of this work... what or who inspired large is this, and how long did you work on it? 🦋
qdogg420blaze t1_iuh77xn wrote
Looking for artist to make a youtube cover photo
Able_Protect_4488 t1_iuh8ilk wrote
What do you love about drawing
Genneth_Kriffin t1_iuh8s5f wrote
Is the "low focus" effect on the left side of her face (right side in the image) intentionally painted as such, or is it from taking the picture of the painting?
TheUnHappyYoghurt t1_iuhbnzr wrote
Beautiful shit right here:)))
PsychologicalPay3478 OP t1_iuhbvmw wrote
It was intended to be this way but the photograph naturally softened the edges itself too. I’m still practicing the “out of focus” techniques✌🏼
PsychologicalPay3478 OP t1_iuhc3lu wrote
The thing I love the most is the simple aspect of being able to create something that doesn’t exist with our own minds/hands and connect with people and bring joy to them whilst also completely enjoying the whole process myself. Perhaps not so simple but I hope that makes sense
globalmonty t1_iuhd6e3 wrote
This is beautiful work. Classy, creative and skilled. Well done!
Garzino t1_iuhe3o2 wrote
It think it's very beautiful. There id a line, a bush stroke or something going through her right eye that for some reason catches my attention. I keep falling back to that part of the face, following that line and looking at details. Somehow the girl's expression reminds me a little of megan fox. It has a feeling like looking at a passing glimpse of a once famous ballet dancer. Maybe I'm high.
sincethenes t1_iuhg258 wrote
It’s a great painting, but the title doesn’t fit it at all. Did the subject lose a modeling gig?
kilgenmus t1_iuhg5s5 wrote
If the title doesn't fit for you, maybe you can try to figure out if the painter meant it in any other way? Perhaps lost in colour, perhaps she is someone they lost?
Title fits as much as you let it.
quiette837 t1_iuhg5y3 wrote
"lost" mentally, head in the clouds.
Seems pretty obvious to me.
sincethenes t1_iuhgpd8 wrote
Usually when someone is lost in the clouds they’re not making duck lips.
Lazy_Plankton_ t1_iuhl6e2 wrote
Your picture is mesmerising, I too have familiar feelings so much so that a few words popped to my head, based on my experience
Head in the clouds, while sinking to the sea, lost in myself reflection.
If I could mirror this attention, To another direction, Someone might see me.
Lost but not off course.
I just woke up btw x
gjon89 t1_iuhnof6 wrote
PsychologicalPay3478 OP t1_iuhp10b wrote
I titled it lost because for the entire time I was making it that’s how i felt. I found peace in the result but I struggled with many things mentally and physically during this process, hence the title. Perhaps it’s not appropriate from your perspective but you’re more than welcome to title it yourself if it helps
AndyInSunnyDB t1_iuhq699 wrote
I “Rank” this very highly.
ArchDemonKerensky t1_iuhr8a7 wrote
Do you have a website or store front?
I like your skill and style and would like to see more of your works.
Green_Jackfruit_9500 t1_iuhujbn wrote
Amazing!!! No words to say!!! Congrats!!!
lucylucylove t1_iuhygsg wrote
This is honestly one of the most beautiful pieces I've ever seen. The playfulness of the colors near her lips are beautiful. Well done. I'm in awe.
Graystone_Industries t1_iui46dd wrote
Reminds me of the Pillars of Creation
flooofalooo t1_iui9gby wrote
Ethereal beauty! Stunning!
708-910-630-702 t1_iuif0jr wrote
seems like you made a cool thing, and then tried to make it seem provocative when it isnt. a common trend in art.
PsychologicalPay3478 OP t1_iuikdx8 wrote
I seem to have provoked you some how.. do you usually get frustrated over an issue you create yourself?
iglidante t1_iuindqd wrote
I looked this up but don't understand the reference.
ApolloOfTheStarz t1_iuio62s wrote
Ackchyually it's a reference to the TV show LOST.
Rstrofdth t1_iuipyc6 wrote
I will second that.
itchy_cheeseborn t1_iuirjne wrote
methylphenidate_ t1_iuiyvqs wrote
This is beautiful work. Sort of reminds me of Maddie Ziegler in a way.
caiohaeffner t1_iuj037j wrote
It's been a while since I've felt something so strong with an art like this one!
[deleted] t1_iujhng8 wrote
sircrooko t1_iuf41j9 wrote
Love this, beautiful work