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notquitenuts OP t1_japshbm wrote

Tyvm! I Mixed some acrylic and water , the black was a hair thicker consistency and applied via ketchup bottles in the rough shape I wanted. I gave it a quick diagonal tilt and then blew lightly on the tips of the flames to push the colors into the black. For the whisky parts I just dragged a piece of wood from the flame to the black


PassageAppropriate90 t1_jasi5jt wrote

Ahhh. I noticed what looked like an airbrush effect and a drizzle Ala jackson pollock. That's cool you got both with one tool. I'm gonna have to try this. Thank you.


notquitenuts OP t1_jat2xbd wrote

YW, I was working on ways to get a reasonable representation of fire and that's the only way that was acceptable IMO. I'd love to hear/see how your project turns out and if you pick up tips!