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DarkGlum408 t1_jc0elwj wrote

Can you please do his fellow alumni Elizabeth Holmes next or SVB?


newbies13 t1_jc0k8b1 wrote

Not sure I get the message. Aren't fiduciary's legally bound to act in your interests compared to your typical finance planner? But this seems to be putting them in a negative light.


wolamute t1_jc0l6qr wrote

Fiduciaries aren't the bad guys though, they're obligated to operate in your best interest, not their own.


Greedyanda t1_jc13q4i wrote

As subtle as a truck crashing through your wall.


TehOuchies t1_jc17bpx wrote

They are only human. And humans are easily corruptible. Even those that are supposed to act in your best interest by law.

There are many more positions outside of them that are supposed to act in your best interest and all of them are also corruptible


_WhaleBiologist t1_jc1f4bb wrote

He wasn't a fiduciary. FTX wasn't a bank. SVB didn't fail because of crypto.

If you're gonna circlejerk at least do it right.


spartacus_zach t1_jc1x0gz wrote

People caught in the semantics lmao. Just enjoy the quick laugh.


Dagamoth t1_jc22ww6 wrote

Banker Financial Terrorist FTFY


[deleted] t1_jc23rnh wrote

Whyd you sign your name twice, did you forget you did it the first time, or just "dare to be different" narcissism?


yasuewho t1_jc2bfgr wrote

I was going to say the same. Be aware that the word fiduciary is not the same as a banker. It's the term used in investing for those who register for it; a fudiciary is legally required to give investment advice that is in their client's favor rather than their own commission or the firm's. In the US, there are rules about how to become a fudiciary. and it doesn't suit this scenario.

It's a clever piece and beautifully executed. I just don't think the word works here because it has no relation to the subject.


RickyTheSwing t1_jc3pv2c wrote

Hmm never thought about this before. I work as a bank teller, is that why everyone comes in pissed at me? Do they think that because I'm associated with a bank I'm making plenty more than the $15/hr I actually make?


newbies13 t1_jc3s2rr wrote

If that's the angle you're going to go with, then the art could be literally anyone. As anyone can be a douche. I don't think that's what you're saying though, I think you didn't bother to lookup what a fiduciary is, giggled when you realized it had douche in there, and tried to cash in on some of that sweet bankers are evil karma.

You could just own that, but I guess even people with paintbrushes can be douches.