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Top_Lifeguard_5408 OP t1_iy1682w wrote

I use a dremel, I only saw big pieces of horn


Rogue42bdf t1_iy17h6y wrote

I believe they are talking about a tool used to sharpen a chainsaw chain.


Top_Lifeguard_5408 OP t1_iy17qnt wrote

Ah, damn it. My Google translator doesn't understand jokes, and so do I :) Thanks!


Magicalunicorny t1_iy2agr2 wrote

I just realized from this comment that there are probably a lot of people that use Google translate to communicate on reddit.

That's super cool, thank you for that.


adrifing t1_iy2b15m wrote

Seconded this comment. I seriously never gave it a lot of thought until this here.

Makes a lot more sense, thank you.