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t1_iv5e4fe wrote

Hahaha this is so fun to look at. Great work!


t1_iv5hc7j wrote

Need as much detail on the rear as the face.


t1_iv5l3kz wrote

I really like your hatching style. Even where its real quick and simple on the arms it really defines the shapes. I feel like my cross hatchings just add "noise" to the picture.


t1_iv5mvne wrote

Idc where you are looking at but I'm looking at the low part


t1_iv5n93r wrote

I love everything about this! Great line work and I love your hatching. Also sick cheeks bro CLAP


t1_iv5ntn5 wrote

lovely anatomy! you nailed this, and the expression is so much fun.

random sidebar: my partner is MtF and one of their biggest insecurities is the "man gut" or how male bodies carry muscle and fat around their stomachs. for too long id insensitively say "what?? you're too analytical, that's not a thing and if it is you don't have it!" then the Baader-Meinhof appears in all its glory, like this post, to show me how different male bodies are.

i have my BFA and did life drawing for years but only had female models to work from (only women seemed to volunteer) so this was something i was literally never exposed to.

EDIT: sorry for not knowing details about male anatomy...please leave me alone stop messaging me i just wanted to share a perspective and the transphobia isn't nice either


t1_iv5u12z wrote

I struggle with anatomy and especially the face so much, this is really impressive while also being FUN (a little like Donald Roller Wilson? Dear GOD I love his work).


t1_iv5uoc1 wrote

Where can I see more of your work? This is beautiful.


t1_iv5yqn7 wrote

This has to be my favorite self-portrait. Maybe ever. I'm excited to see it finished.


t1_iv60dzn wrote

So your assertion is that I've never touched grass because I noticed how men and women's bodies differ by seeing them in a casual setting? No need to ""hyper-analyze"" to see that men carry weight differently.


t1_iv63kjp wrote

nice bruh, I love art like this but can't draw :(


t1_iv6an2z wrote

Why did you stop adding detail to that badonkadonk we Wanna see it in HD


t1_iv6f9u6 wrote

Gotta start working those glutes. As you age your butt will disintegrate into nothing


t1_iv6jyma wrote

Giving off "my body is art" energy haha


t1_iv6ofsg wrote

Well-executed and has a sense of fun in the pose/expression, which I appreciate!


t1_iv6ppeq wrote

Is it bad that I thought you looked like markiplier and dream at the same time?


t1_iv6qv4d wrote

Why you look so surprised im right behind you


t1_iv6ts0n wrote

"Oh no Mr Ghost Face please don't f*ck me in the butt!😏"

My brain is still in Halloween mode


t1_iv6tugd wrote

Nice drawing buttercups… I mean sir.


t1_iv6wd1n wrote

When you’re about to get in the shower and hear someone at the front door.


t1_iv6z9fj wrote

it's like I'm wearin' nothing at all... nothing at all..... nothing at all


t1_iv716fg wrote

Me at 2AM getting some deli meat from the fridge.


t1_iv767zk wrote

When your teacher says you have 10 min left to finish


t1_iv78ae1 wrote

I'd like to imagine he was naked in his kitchen with his hands on the counter and a full body mirror behind him. He'd pose, look back at the mirror, draw a bit and repeat. A true artist...also a quiet Friday night.


t1_iv7b2yo wrote

The pose on this is super cute! And the artwork is so good! Great job dude!

Also, nice butt.


t1_iv7b9z1 wrote

Hide that portrait in the closet. Then see if you grow older at a super slow rate. Worth trying.


t1_iv7e35m wrote

I love the detail on your face--it shows that you've worked hard on perspective and angles. Very impressive.

Hope you plan to work just as hard on skeletal and musculature to better define the remaining details?


t1_iv7ia7z wrote

You look like Eagan from Manifest.

Not to be disrespectful or anything. I've just been watching it recently.


t1_iv7lhx2 wrote

You used Elon musk for reference right?


t1_iv7mt4j wrote

Mam, I think you have real talent. Looks just like you. Actually very nice sketch. Keep it up.


t1_iv7pzag wrote

Really nice - lots of light, shadow, online and detail for a ‘rough sketch’


t1_iv810bn wrote

How long did it take you to do the shading on the upper lip?


t1_iv81gxb wrote

Ignoring the memes, you got the proportions down well. The line work is also good and the pose compliments the piece, does a good job of showing your body's structure. Including your Hank Hill ass. I really like the hatching as well.


t1_iv8ci3m wrote

It's such an honest depiction and tastfully done too.


t1_iv8g3wv wrote

Holy shit its not a naked girl have an upvote!


t1_iv8iwlt wrote

Paddy's pub home of the original DICK TOWEL 😂😂


t1_iv8wwk2 wrote

The line work seems soft but still intriguing. And I love the facial expression! Nicely done


t1_iv8yc5i wrote

Ngl seeing this has made me feel more confident in my body type. Thank you.


t1_iv8zmsj wrote

I clicked on this genuinely thinking it was 2B from Nier: Automata.

I'm not disappointed though. Great lines.


t1_iv90d6n wrote

You know the meme where the artists does half of the drawing super good but then has to rush a deadline??


t1_iv91iqw wrote

OP, that's a nice sketch you have there. It looks like he surprised yourself.


t1_iv991jz wrote

So I'm the only one who think this looks like a titan from attack on titan?


t1_iv99mpd wrote

Damn, its so preety but it remind me a lot of hannibals scetches (from the show) so I like it 10× more


t1_iv9g9hp wrote

I’m looking at the face, and then at the ass. Be honest, ass needs a bit more hair eh?


t1_iv9r5s7 wrote

What’s it called when someone is attracted to themselves sexually?