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Marilyn1512 t1_iy3hcgi wrote

I love the atmosphere in this one. The light is very pretty!


losbadhombres OP t1_iy3hk22 wrote

Thank you! I have a big “fog volume” in the scene that scatters the light, makes it hazy and gives it depth.


ralphonsob t1_iy4puc4 wrote

> I have a big “fog volume” in the scene

That's no way to talk about that lady's bottom.


fudog1138 t1_iy4ggqh wrote

I've not taken pictures with any sincerity in 35+ years. I'd like to get back into photography. Thinking of trying humans this time around Sorry for the simple question. How did you use fog in this shot?
I don't see any fog or distortion on the model. Is that a filter after the shit was taken? Sorry 😐. Thanks for your time, nice work.


AirDinkum t1_iy4okqd wrote

It’s not a photo. The picture was created on a 3D program, like Cinema 4D or something.


losbadhombres OP t1_iy4u0sn wrote

It's all in Cinema 4D and the whole thing is 3D—no photography. The fog volume is just a giant cube of fog in the background with more density and another one with much lower fog density in the foreground.

Also I have two lights: one is a daylight simulator right at sunrise which is allowing the BG fog to glow, and the other one is a giant softbox that is working as my key light. Has a pretty low Kelvin.


I-am-Mihnea t1_iy6cpwi wrote

Just a tip, you can tell it's 3D from the white cloth and the bend in her neck!