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ryclarky t1_iy89oy5 wrote

Very nicely done! The only thing that seemed off to me is when the balls drop down the holes. The seem to warp and it looks a bit unnatural. But very nice work!


synchronoussavagery t1_iy8c2i2 wrote

It took me like 3 loops to realize this wasn’t real lol. Good work.


dontchasethehat t1_iy8e93r wrote

I was hoping it was real. It inspires me to make a real one, anyway.


mrvoxen t1_iy8ead5 wrote

I see your sneaky dickbutt


skyliethecat t1_iy8eimg wrote

this looks really great. as an additional note, it looked (in my opinion, of course) better at 1.25x speed. 1.5x made the drop speed too fast.

really nice to watch on a loop for a while, thanks for sharing this


GuTTeRaLSLaM t1_iy8fvdw wrote

Dickbutt for the cherry on top 👌🏼


Fuhgly t1_iy8hfxg wrote

I could watch this for too long


willalwaysupvotecats t1_iy8lm53 wrote

Wow! This is amazing! I didn’t know this could be made digitally, it looks so real, especially with the details of the bottle of glue and other pieces on the table, it’s awesome!


PM_ME_UR_RECIPEZ t1_iy8mn8g wrote

How do I set this as a phone background Jesus this is calming


pimp_juice2272 t1_iy8qo07 wrote

Remove half of the slots to make it more mesmerizing. Idk if that will affect the physics or if the computer automatically adjusts for that.


ManuelArafat t1_iy8r5k3 wrote

What it feels like to wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner, go to sleep, wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner, go to sleep, wake up......


TheGrumpyre t1_iy8t3qy wrote

The immediate loss of momentum when they land is the part that feels uncanny. Especially when combined with the feather-light roll down the initial slope, it feels like the density and friction of the balls is constantly changing.


Alexdoesthedo t1_iy91r57 wrote

Brk wtf i genuinely thought that was real until i read the title


theFaceFacer t1_iy95dgx wrote

I'm going to need a link to the live feed


maninplainview t1_iy95jrc wrote

In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!


TransportationNo6850 t1_iy99ytp wrote

Is it an animation??? Can’t tell if it’s real but it seams no!!


elfmere t1_iy9a9mb wrote

Question: why have you posted this multiple times in different colors and flipped?


AbeVigoda76 t1_iy9tnod wrote

In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!


avro-arrow t1_iya3xwk wrote

Wait, this is digital?!? I truly thought it was real.


Tenning1579 t1_iyaeffg wrote

Well I just watched that for a solid 5 minutes.


CutieBoBootie t1_iyaje3x wrote

Heavy objects with momentum don't just stop when they hit an object. There's like a physics law about energy or something like that. The point is if the ball had a heavy mass then the moment and the weight would be enough for a tiny bounce. Not like a giant hop but enough that there would be something.


robinsolent t1_iyan1j2 wrote

Awesome work! What tools did you use? Unreal?


meriqa t1_iyaoclh wrote

Good job at first glance I thought this was real .


Duffman66CMU t1_iyaojh7 wrote

That’s just what I noticed. There outfit to be a slight bounce, depending on what ‘material’ the green part is made of. Looks like jade or plastic to me, so I’d assume it’s hard enough to bounce. Makes my brain hurt.


Zenai10 t1_iyatfak wrote

Honestly if there was a silent version of this, I would get it and keep it in my office. Its so relaxing to look at. But i am guessing this version makes a lot of noise


hulkbot776 t1_iyb0tqk wrote

Fairly easy construction , youve given an engeineer a non destructive idea that he likes, good job. Difficult task. Well done


kobaasama t1_iyb4f35 wrote

That annoying guy on tiktok be like: Wait does this actually work?


Aphor1st t1_iyb5g32 wrote

I swear I have seen this before but it said something else.


ackillesBAC t1_iyb5idm wrote

The white glue still wet is what threw me off, and using white glue to solder electrical contacts


ccoltmanm t1_iyba7m1 wrote

Haven’t seen a dickbutt in so long. Good times. Is that still a thing on Imgur?


kitterific t1_iybbu5t wrote

I read it as “Contraception” and was just like.. how?


mlc2475 t1_iybfu81 wrote

That looks and moves absolutely realistically. Bravo


custardgod t1_iybg1th wrote

Read the title as contraception and was super confused for a moment there


blackmilksociety t1_iybggzo wrote

It’s like the marbles are internally weighted and full of molasses. But otherwise cool


jestercow t1_iybk9s7 wrote

I want one on my desk irl…


emptybottleofdoom t1_iybr0ny wrote

IMO would be neater with less ball interaction. Smaller balls, less frequent release up top, larger trays for them to roll around.


tonizamorano t1_iybr2uc wrote

hi!! it looks awesome! do you have an insta where u upload your renders?


DLathers t1_iybxv4f wrote

What software or combination of software did you use? This is awesome


lbigbirdl t1_iybzyux wrote

I think if you tuned the speed of the lift wheel, you could get the balls more evenly spaced as they roll around the first funnel. Might add to the satisfaction levels


twinnuke t1_iyc2dc0 wrote

Feels too slow and smooth.


BoomBear89 t1_iyc6083 wrote

This is actually legitimately awesome I want it


Roryisautistic t1_iyc8ccd wrote

Wow it looks like real life great job 👏 and the contraption is really cool 😎 and the Elmer’s glue in the backround amazing 🤩


mehh365 t1_iyc8x9t wrote

Can you do a longer video with different coloured balls?


shaunyb81 t1_iyce6xf wrote

This is so pleasing to watch. I want to make one for real just like this. I actually didn’t realise it wasn’t real until i saw the dickbutt and he didnt reappear. I was trying to figure out if it folded down or the belt went a different route. Great work!!


the-grim t1_iycuugx wrote

There's overrotation at play there, since they're rolling on rails. Basically the bearings are spinning on the rails at a "normal" speed, but each full rotation doesn't move them forward as much because they only touch the rails at the sides rather than at the bottom.


toastspork t1_iydcmq4 wrote

Too smooth. They're instantly at rail speed.

They'd pop out of the holes, and skid a bit as they'd decelerate. Then, since the rails are at a slight decline, they'd accelerate a bit.