Submitted by Cosmik-Madness t3_ztiiey in Art
[deleted] t1_j1dwak3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1e15o6 wrote
fackcurs t1_j1e5evs wrote
I love the aesthetic! Can you share what tools/software you used to make this?
[deleted] t1_j1e61a1 wrote
Total_Activity865 t1_j1e6j0l wrote
color is excellent.good job
nikitabonita1111 t1_j1e7ulw wrote
I want him to jiggle so bad!!!!
Wizard_warrior_dude t1_j1ebuin wrote
you already know what im thinking
StoryWriterRP t1_j1edl9p wrote
I love this. Very well done!
quasx1 t1_j1egf6l wrote
That it could be AI? Ive seen stuff that looks extremely similar to this from midjourney
[deleted] t1_j1ehg5i wrote
[deleted] t1_j1ejmk8 wrote
BarkBeetleJuice t1_j1elqm4 wrote
There are two ls in skelly.
TheLostElkTree t1_j1em524 wrote
This looks like it could be a tasty candy!
WatermelonsTasteGud t1_j1enks4 wrote
no to well made
[deleted] t1_j1eolhq wrote
[deleted] t1_j1ep1t4 wrote
stellvia2016 t1_j1epyxj wrote
Reminds me of one of those artisan keycaps.
[deleted] t1_j1eqbb3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1eteba wrote
[deleted] t1_j1eto1q wrote
SNRNXS t1_j1etqo4 wrote
Looks like an NFT
I_Ride_Pigs t1_j1ew5gu wrote
iswackynewarchdevil t1_j1ezuk6 wrote
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1f1rdk wrote
Hi! I use Blender for the character
special-anomaly t1_j1f1rff wrote
what the fuck was that
rudylishious t1_j1f1stq wrote
exactly what i thought. i’d buy one.
poetrynati t1_j1f20cv wrote
The fingers look too nice lol
[deleted] t1_j1f2fuu wrote
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1f361w wrote
It's not AI, it has too few fingers to be AI haha. I made the 3d model in Blender and its render in cycles.
[deleted] t1_j1f3fm4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1f4dur wrote
[deleted] t1_j1f7uhg wrote
mrgeek2000 t1_j1f8awa wrote
Because some of his works are NFTs
Arenidao t1_j1f8dr9 wrote
I’d love this as a little figurine.
[deleted] t1_j1f8i4c wrote
[deleted] t1_j1f8sq4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1f9jwe wrote
quasx1 t1_j1fa6id wrote
True! Sorry for the assumption then. Good work
Brandkey t1_j1fbamc wrote
I love this but don't know why. Very cool.
invincible_nightmare t1_j1fbyai wrote
Wookief1st t1_j1fcdfe wrote
Lol that's cool I like it
moistenme t1_j1fcihm wrote
[deleted] t1_j1fd0oo wrote
Page_Won t1_j1fdrwr wrote
That it looks like it's meant to be an nft?
AntalRyder t1_j1fdxmq wrote
Ass static
FizzgigsRevenge t1_j1fe37s wrote
Aww, it's a cute little mist wraith.
Binary_Omlet t1_j1ff99y wrote
Damn. I knew someone would beat me to it.
BackStabbathOG t1_j1ffsxw wrote
I had to do a double take on what sub I was looking at. Thought this was a keycap for sure
NebulaNinja t1_j1fgszt wrote
A baby gelatinous cube consumed a baby?
P0tat0The0neAnd0nly t1_j1fhda6 wrote
That would be an amazing keycap
[deleted] t1_j1fhwe3 wrote
lunaysueno t1_j1fi2he wrote
I squealed I LOVE IT you made so much cute and amazing in one thing I love it so much
[deleted] t1_j1fjcs6 wrote
angledartstudio t1_j1fjfvu wrote
OP this needs to happen lol
TummyLice t1_j1fjl8n wrote
You should share this in r/ConeHeads
adventuresbegin t1_j1fjx8t wrote
How did you accomplish this???
[deleted] t1_j1fkkgm wrote
obsidianbonefish t1_j1fksd2 wrote
But….. but why?
averyyoungperson t1_j1fktsl wrote
This is so fuckin cute wtf 😭😭
xXWaspXx t1_j1flno1 wrote
Thank you, my life is all better now.
jonhon0 t1_j1fm05r wrote
He has determination. It has some elements from dark souls.
Tyr_Kukulkan t1_j1fmqp8 wrote
I mean we are all kind of skeleton jelly...
raining-in-konoha t1_j1fokjt wrote
He's shaped like a friend
kashb91 t1_j1folxn wrote
Any chance you can turn this into a wallpaper?
deathcabkim t1_j1fqr4p wrote
randomsnark t1_j1frinm wrote
It's older than Dark Souls though. Not sure exactly how old, but I remember reading it like 15 years ago, and a quick Google at least shows a Wired discussion of it from 2006 (DS1 was 2011).
DBentresca t1_j1frzz9 wrote
Reminds me of Tiny Ghost
MikoxhuArtStuff t1_j1fsai8 wrote
Honestly i want it as my plushie this Christmas
[deleted] t1_j1fsrze wrote
[deleted] t1_j1fssfe wrote
[deleted] t1_j1fsvki wrote
phyrestorm999 t1_j1fue7w wrote
Skeleton Jelly. Do try to keep up.
[deleted] t1_j1fus34 wrote
slimmyboy007 t1_j1fvflf wrote
Google X men glob herman same thing
lxxTBonexxl t1_j1fvkcx wrote
Is there more of this?
[deleted] t1_j1fw0de wrote
[deleted] t1_j1fw30g wrote
Chalkarts t1_j1fwrnj wrote
A well fed gelatinous cube is not threat.
TheNonCompliant t1_j1fxcfs wrote
It’s by an artist and musician named Mat Brinkman. Think this is from the collection titled “Multiforce” which you can find here.
Yaboooyi t1_j1fy4ai wrote
This has reached an unprecedented level of cuteness. I'm in awe.
[deleted] t1_j1g04d3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1g0d1q wrote
SpectralIpaxor t1_j1g12k7 wrote
wiggly noises
spidermans_mom t1_j1g1mg4 wrote
That’s so cute I squealed a little bit. I want to squeeze him!
EmeDemencial t1_j1g1nch wrote
I want to see him shaking.
nerdycat04 t1_j1g3ttl wrote
It is very cute and you are very skilled
BudgetToad t1_j1g4nz3 wrote
Why do i think his name would be Bob
-screamin- t1_j1g5fbk wrote
I reckon this would make a great custom keycap
RoseDragon00 t1_j1g5lu0 wrote
His little toes are making me cry I love him
catniagara t1_j1g5qo6 wrote
Why is this so satisfying?
[deleted] t1_j1g6bzw wrote
ChrisDen462 t1_j1g6ok7 wrote
This is painfully cute and I want one
jonhon0 t1_j1g71i2 wrote
Cool then. It might have been inspiration for those steps that lead you to fall into an abyss to fight a boss.
Chu_BOT t1_j1g74nz wrote
No mistborn fans? Definitely a kandra.
special-anomaly t1_j1g7rk0 wrote
lmao is it from something??
donutdumpsterfire t1_j1g898z wrote
Do you take commissions
phyrestorm999 t1_j1g8im1 wrote
Not that I know of.
[deleted] t1_j1g8j9g wrote
HorrorMakesUsHappy t1_j1g8xgz wrote
Looks like something from Epic Battle Fantasy.
[deleted] t1_j1g8xwq wrote
Tommy2Tone88 t1_j1g9tc7 wrote
We are going towards the Salem witch trial era of digital art.
Glowshroom t1_j1ga2ld wrote
Is this on artstation? I'd love to see the topology.
[deleted] t1_j1gavni wrote
Arkamus_Official t1_j1gbnfs wrote
Everything about this makes my brain happy. Color, texture, expression, fucking all of it. Well done!
Imaginary-Day5820 t1_j1gbwon wrote
This is so freakin cute. i need it like a funko, a plushie, something to put in my room!
slimboy0704 t1_j1geuqz wrote
looks like a drop boy, aka fall guy, aka plummet man.
peterattia t1_j1gfixu wrote
I’m both impressed and confused at the same time.
chopsticks101 t1_j1ggaio wrote
This is so cute! Would you be okay with me using this as my display picture for steam or discord? It’s so adorable!
brightside1982 t1_j1ggdqu wrote
I wholeheartedly agree!
DasReaver t1_j1gj9nx wrote
Man... the Kandra have been thickening a bit lately, huh?
[deleted] t1_j1gjbm6 wrote
numerousmusician89 t1_j1gjdlo wrote
For real.. That is really cool.
RiagneLeRoman t1_j1gjg1g wrote
Is he slippery or squishy 🤔🤔🤔
[deleted] t1_j1gkity wrote
[deleted] t1_j1gl67g wrote
Senor_Goobe t1_j1glxdl wrote
This would make a great keycap
[deleted] t1_j1gmd8f wrote
[deleted] t1_j1gmnym wrote
Luna-rants t1_j1goe49 wrote
AAAAAAA I WANNA HUG IT!!!! It seems so squishable!
r4ptorrap t1_j1goqcq wrote
I'm getting fall guys vibes
Fresh720 t1_j1gp73b wrote
They could definitely sell this as a vinyl figure
cuddlefishzh t1_j1gpj34 wrote
ACKTUALLLY aesthetic*
[deleted] t1_j1gpn7y wrote
tyrelle000 t1_j1gppn8 wrote
It's like the beans from fall guys turned to goo
[deleted] t1_j1gqug2 wrote
rebelwanker69 t1_j1gqvxx wrote
Someone's brain
[deleted] t1_j1gr8eo wrote
[deleted] t1_j1graya wrote
Legobloz t1_j1gs1m7 wrote
This reminds me of fall guys
S707B t1_j1gtms0 wrote
Dude…how…. This is amazing!
RedVelocity_ t1_j1guf7x wrote
There needs to be a Pixar movie about this
[deleted] t1_j1gv69y wrote
HappyHappyKidney t1_j1gvuph wrote
I love skeleton jelly.
LustyBabushka t1_j1gx764 wrote
I am not okay after reading that
fackcurs t1_j1gyndb wrote
Pardon my french, it’s spelled “esthétique" in my native language, I always forget to add the a in english…
GiveHeadIfYouGotIt t1_j1gz427 wrote
Am I drunk on jelly??
Gradually_Adjusting t1_j1h0ah8 wrote
Holy shit thank you! I've always treasured the skeleton jelly comic but never though to seek the source. I know not why.
LioxTheGreat t1_j1h1h34 wrote
Fall guys at an xray appointment
[deleted] t1_j1h1o1f wrote
Spunky_Panda_Designs t1_j1h1r7m wrote
This is so cool. I love it 😀. Bet it looks good with a light under it
cookiekittenx t1_j1h6dpw wrote
This is so freaking adorable
[deleted] t1_j1h7fwj wrote
Ellanna_3 t1_j1h7ibe wrote
Aww what a cute little... thingy😭
[deleted] t1_j1hc802 wrote
Hollowgirl136 t1_j1hcdnv wrote
I want to poke them gentle and watch them jiggle.
[deleted] t1_j1he1b2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1hikuf wrote
rawr_im_a_nice_bear t1_j1hiwei wrote
rawr_im_a_nice_bear t1_j1hjfw7 wrote
Here's my attempt in 1080,2k and 4k:
rawr_im_a_nice_bear t1_j1hjl5k wrote
It doesnt seem like OP has an artstation but I'd love to see the topology too
Totomitle t1_j1hkeqy wrote
I love how he is supposed to have fingers
[deleted] t1_j1hkvtr wrote
kashb91 t1_j1hn5nv wrote
Ohhh shit. Thanks dude
oldwoman312 t1_j1hp8gw wrote
Nice portrayal of both transparency and highlights. I like the dark surrealist content, juxtaposed with the playfulness. I thought we werent supposed to do digital here?
burntant t1_j1hrtsi wrote
Awee cute. I wanna squish it.
[deleted] t1_j1htb1u wrote
Average_Kiwi_birdy t1_j1hv4a3 wrote
Omg, he has an ice cream cone in his head, so cute ❤️❤️
Piieuw t1_j1hwpyv wrote
One year ago this would be called "Skely Jelly NFT".
WatermelonsTasteGud t1_j1hx2gb wrote
still to good for an nft
I_Ride_Pigs t1_j1jnf1t wrote
It makes me unreasonably happy and I'm not sure why
[deleted] t1_j1jwbh7 wrote
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jwlpa wrote
I am going to put jiggle physics to him really soon!
[deleted] t1_j1jwumg wrote
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jwxky wrote
No worries thanks a lot!
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jx8o9 wrote
If they're going to burn me at the stake my favorite sauce is Spicy Honey BBQ
[deleted] t1_j1jxdkc wrote
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jxo89 wrote
thanks a lot!
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jxqnn wrote
thanks! hopefully soon
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jxsdo wrote
thanks a lot for your comment!
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jxu7h wrote
thanks a lot for your comment !
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jxwmp wrote
Thanks! i really appreciate it!
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jxy3q wrote
yes of course!
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jy2cj wrote
A jelly bean with a really crunchy inside haha
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jy3du wrote
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jyjsi wrote
yes I use blender to model.
To make something similar Lighting is the most important thing for this kind of renders
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jyqyk wrote
thanks a lot!, they look good. I am going to make them wallpapers really soon with the other 9 characters!
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jyujl wrote
thanks! i really appreciate your comment!
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jyzll wrote
yeah! that name fits him a lot, but already have a character with this name
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1jzc3m wrote
I have not upload to Artstation in a long time, but i can probably upload a screenshot of the topo soon
Cosmik-Madness OP t1_j1k2h6x wrote
The ice cream cones on the head are part of the lore of my characters, they are called Borobitoos Hats, because an alien spy mistook them for hats and started a trend in alien fashion.
Imaginary-Day5820 t1_j1k4u4h wrote
Please let us all know when you do!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤❤
adventuresbegin t1_j1k90lk wrote
What tutorials have you used to teach yourself this??? What drawing tablet do you use?? I have soo many questions lol. I downloaded blender but I have to decide which tablet to use. I have so many ideas I want to do, even small movies.
[deleted] t1_j1kmc9p wrote
[deleted] t1_j1dozu9 wrote