hodunwe t1_j1y3fem wrote
it's very easy on the eyes, love it :)
[deleted] t1_j1y5876 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1zww32 wrote
PacoManya51 t1_j20lq94 wrote
Hace you ever thinked on post your art on pixilart? I think you can do It very well ♥️♥️. Sorry of my english, I'm spanish
SemtexK0ala t1_j21psjv wrote
This looks so good I thought it was stop motion for a bit there. Awesome art!
Standard_Ad5109 t1_j222esa wrote
Damn! How long did you spend on it? It looks amazing
[deleted] t1_j2237np wrote
Glittering-Lecture42 t1_j22b7bj wrote
Nice job man, I really like this
[deleted] t1_j1y1iu4 wrote