[deleted] t1_j1ws9c3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1wsdg9 wrote
DarkCleric21 t1_j1wskrm wrote
This is awesome, only feedback is there is no shadow where the arm should go on the lap.
Red__system t1_j1wxwko wrote
I want to see a whole movie animated like this
pop_roxie t1_j1wymka wrote
Woah, this is gorgeous! What program did you use? This is quite honestly one of the best posts I’ve seen since I joined Reddit.
veryveig OP t1_j1wzft7 wrote
It looked better without it.
veryveig OP t1_j1wzkxw wrote
Thank you! I use a combination of Blender & Photoshop
[deleted] t1_j1x0dpc wrote
mburg339 t1_j1x0iid wrote
yeahh always makes me wanna learn blender more, he posts tutorials on Ig and youtube too that show it better
[deleted] t1_j1x251r wrote
user1234123135 t1_j1x2f4t wrote
Those caustics in the glass look amazing!!
[deleted] t1_j1x3mrs wrote
Consensuseur t1_j1x75ep wrote
Fly on with your bad self!
[deleted] t1_j1x75jh wrote
Hopen316 t1_j1x82oi wrote
Gorgeous lighting and the way the light interacts with the glass and the liquid inside it is awesome.
Not_Buying t1_j1x9hxx wrote
This is really great! It feels so calm and peaceful. I’d call it “Zero Turbulence”. 😄
Hot_Pomegranate7168 t1_j1xbpmc wrote
Do people actually order a whiskey sour on a plane? 'Stewardess, fetch me my cigar and the paper'.
Yeetmysweetmeat t1_j1xcdih wrote
This is absolutely stunning 🤩
MrFancyPants-- t1_j1xchme wrote
As a large person all I can think is:
How do I get this much room on an airplane with out spending way to much.
legal_in_CO t1_j1xci0o wrote
Its the hand thats really distracting. It doesnt appear to have any muscles engaged and i think thats the part that immediately takes me out of it. Other than that, very well done!
Nicknack124 t1_j1xcyra wrote
I knew I recognised this! Your work is amazing!
[deleted] t1_j1xessm wrote
2000dragon t1_j1xexoi wrote
You mean real life? Lol
mtntrail t1_j1xfwe6 wrote
That is his second one, def no turbulence!
ComedianDouble406 t1_j1xgbgt wrote
This is a whole animation! I had to double take to make Sure it wasn’t a video.
FringeCloudDenier t1_j1xha7p wrote
I've been watching for two hours now, and they still haven't landed! I wonder where they're flying!
[deleted] t1_j1xis6n wrote
[deleted] t1_j1xjkcc wrote
Obvious_Boat3636 t1_j1xk2kj wrote
Think “charter living”
[deleted] t1_j1xk4pr wrote
rndname t1_j1xk9t7 wrote
How long did it take to render?
SpoodlyPoofs t1_j1xkmrm wrote
Omg… this is like caramel sledding down a mountain of whip cream into a valley of peaches
trippy4660 t1_j1xleqv wrote
anticerber t1_j1xnqw8 wrote
Quit stirring and take a drink!
BornBoricua t1_j1xocd8 wrote
I'm assuming that's an Old Fashioned, most places never mix them properly so I don't blame him
jabs09 t1_j1xp8mi wrote
Amazing 🤩 Also are those Negroni’s ?
MrAbstrak t1_j1xqmhl wrote
This is hypnotizing. Watched for like five minutes and didn’t even realize.
ericn8886 t1_j1xqstz wrote
Wow. This is amazing. If I had one of those fake windows that were computer screens, I would make this my view.
KmartQuality t1_j1xqsy8 wrote
Change the cup to opaque plastic and you've got a scene.
brandon0529 t1_j1xra2c wrote
I want to say old fashioned but too much cherry juice (cherry juice?) Okay, I give up... what is that drink?
[deleted] t1_j1xsbw4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1xsfks wrote
Grogu_of_Borg t1_j1xsx04 wrote
That is awesome and very well done!
MondaySloth t1_j1xt632 wrote
The left hand does look a little too clenched. Unless he is afraid of flying and stirring like that is how he relaxes?
[deleted] t1_j1xtsco wrote
[deleted] t1_j1xuf2t wrote
artsdemary t1_j1xulox wrote
Excuse me, sir. This is breathtaking.
DannyCavalerie t1_j1xulsy wrote
i love this, very well done
[deleted] t1_j1xuwyt wrote
justinhasabigpeehole t1_j1xxb3i wrote
This is relaxing to watch. I can hear the hum of the engines and the ice clanking in the cocktail glass.
newpixeltree t1_j1xxkkl wrote
Look at those caustics, holy shit
Peachie_roses t1_j1xyg9v wrote
Yessss so many memories from plane rides are captured in this
NickCudawn t1_j1xyzds wrote
The caustics look amazing! Did you fake them?
[deleted] t1_j1xyzdu wrote
FAASTARKILLER t1_j1xza19 wrote
The most unrealistic thing about this drawing is how much space there is for those economy seats 🥲 god i wish that was reality…
InfectedMushroom9 t1_j1xzosx wrote
No way you get this much legroom irl
[deleted] t1_j1y0tf5 wrote
Bocote t1_j1y19vc wrote
Now I want something refreshing to drink.
minato377 t1_j1y1jd4 wrote
This is beautiful! Well done mate
Jebediah_Kush t1_j1y1ud8 wrote
127 billion years.
brian_lopes t1_j1y1y0x wrote
Wow, great job, you really captured the feel well
PearShapedPear t1_j1y1yun wrote
I would also like to know
blackmirrorlight t1_j1y24w0 wrote
I’d use this opportunity to give yourself some extra leg room.
Drblackcobra t1_j1y303q wrote
Holy cow this looks amazing! Nice post!
Bad_Takes_24-7 t1_j1y45xh wrote
The hand almost looks see-through in the sunlight, like a baby's hand, making it look very delicate.
Byronzionist t1_j1y4atz wrote
As much as i may hate where im at. Take me there....
GeorgyZhukovJr t1_j1y5059 wrote
holy shit i thought this was a real video for a solid 10 seconds, good god damned job man. good job.
yeetmymeat91 t1_j1y5evu wrote
I hate that I can hear this even though I can’t
Beginning_Remote_488 t1_j1y5v6k wrote
Looks a lot like a Negroni
WillShattuck t1_j1y5zin wrote
The only thing that breaks it for me is the model has no face in the reflection of the seat tv. I wish there had been a face. Everything else is amazing.
Skop12 t1_j1y62b3 wrote
Blender does have some caustuc support now, so it could be that
[deleted] t1_j1y7nsw wrote
kangareddit t1_j1y7qsw wrote
Start of r/strandeddeep anyone?
[deleted] t1_j1y7xvp wrote
Old-timeyprospector t1_j1y8aje wrote
I can feel the warmth from he sun. That’s insane. Spectacular, truly.
[deleted] t1_j1y8sas wrote
[deleted] t1_j1y95gb wrote
ZenithCrests t1_j1y96vg wrote
Make one with Turbulence and the guy is just struggling to hold his drink. Lol that would be great.
cosignal t1_j1y9uc2 wrote
Some rotoscope stuff looks similar, such as A Scanner Darkly with Keanu Reeves and RDJ (one of my favorite films). Another good example is Waking Life. You may also like the style of Loving Vincent, a biopic about Van Gogh featuring thousands of hand-painted frames
cosignal t1_j1y9vyy wrote
Do you have schizophrenia? Real life doesn’t have cel shading
NarfArt t1_j1ybnh9 wrote
This is so cozy, I love it!!
stephaniehuang66 t1_j1ybsm6 wrote
This is amazing! Love the lighting
[deleted] t1_j1ydii8 wrote
leoldwine9time t1_j1ye9oz wrote
Loving Vincent was amazing! I saw the making of, and each frame was hand painted and photographed. Tremendous effort they put into it and it was worth it!
AJ787-9 t1_j1yfj2j wrote
I‘m looking at this and I’m thinking, „how old is that IFE to have the controls beside the screen?“
EternalTeaTime t1_j1ygapr wrote
This is very soothing. I love it!
MusicForPleasure t1_j1yh2lt wrote
The way the water moves is unrealistic
VCTRYDTX t1_j1yhivm wrote
Up in Air? Not exact but similar vibes fosho
TheDarkLordPheonixos t1_j1yhrh6 wrote
Op. Do you have this and other wallpapers on Wallpaper Engine?
RedPanda_2882 t1_j1yinx5 wrote
"Thats a cool photo.. oh its a drawing thats so good.. wait sh its MOVING
[deleted] t1_j1yj4po wrote
-drunk_russian- t1_j1yjyjk wrote
Consider posting this to /r/cinemagraphs
churstblock t1_j1ykf17 wrote
I’m getting strong uncanny valley vibes, and I love it.
showergoblin t1_j1yllf9 wrote
Bus seat pattern on an airplane, just odd.
Affectionate-Tooth23 t1_j1ymeq2 wrote
Hey it’s illegal to just upload videos here
Dottoxd t1_j1yndzf wrote
There is something so calm and relaxing about this. I love it.
[deleted] t1_j1yo6pn wrote
elution91 t1_j1yoczc wrote
How do I use this as an animated wallpaper on iPhone/windows?
[deleted] t1_j1yoebn wrote
[deleted] t1_j1ypf43 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1ypkj8 wrote
sgnpkd t1_j1ypyin wrote
I can live in this reality, no problem.
sakura_gasaii t1_j1ypz98 wrote
In reality the person in front slams their chair back as soon as you get a drink/food 🥲 i dont dare put my cup down on the tray anymore
sailorjasm t1_j1yq44g wrote
It’s in that uncanny valley for me
thriftyaf t1_j1yqe5c wrote
That's it?
curtyshoo t1_j1yrl98 wrote
There's something soothing about the scene.
Is that a Manhattan?
[deleted] t1_j1yrvtw wrote
ruberband29 t1_j1ys6os wrote
I wish live wallpapers were still a thing on iPhone for this one
Adios_Bitch t1_j1ysxjc wrote
Mind explaining what are caustics? I don’t know anything about creating digital art.
[deleted] t1_j1yt1bq wrote
Time_Example1216 t1_j1yt89r wrote
And an actual glass in economy.
[deleted] t1_j1ytiu0 wrote
NickCudawn t1_j1ytook wrote
The light that's broken up by the glass and liquid :)
Adios_Bitch t1_j1ytu22 wrote
Thank you! I didn’t know to give that any special attention. It does look really cool.
Appropriate_Box_8985 t1_j1ytuxq wrote
this is absolutely stunning
[deleted] t1_j1ytv1h wrote
allgreen2me t1_j1yuqz2 wrote
Have you seen inception?
[deleted] t1_j1yvnuo wrote
[deleted] t1_j1yx0we wrote
[deleted] t1_j1yxm36 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1yxvfp wrote
ParsleyNecessary5086 t1_j1yxxpq wrote
Stewardess, give me a scotch, a backup scotch and a boiler scotch. Thats a shot of scotch floating in a bigger glass of scotch. Now scotch me, scotch-face!
FistsoFiore t1_j1yz45q wrote
I wish cocktails always moved like that. So pretty.
Spider_Dude t1_j1yzw14 wrote
Render time only.
Exporting time not calculated. (Hourglass spin intensifies)
[deleted] t1_j1z04n2 wrote
rvralph803 t1_j1z05bv wrote
That subsurface scattering tho. 🤤
2000dragon t1_j1z0710 wrote
Geez this was just a joke about how realistic this looks. People too serious nowadays 🤣
bran-bar t1_j1z0eq5 wrote
Reminds me of tightuprightnow single cover by the Parcels. Great work!
Red__system t1_j1z0r79 wrote
So, not animated like this?
NomadAssassin t1_j1z2422 wrote
oh wow, I love the smooth movements of the hands as well as the liquid. Not to mention how the sun perfectly shines on all the objects. Beautiful would love to see more of this
[deleted] t1_j1z32op wrote
slammajammamama t1_j1z34fb wrote
I like the contrast of the first class elegance of the subject and the clearly economy seating. Great work!
theuserwithoutaname t1_j1z37vg wrote
Oh man, that's so funny, I was gonna say this feels like a Rockwell painting!
I really like it! It's realistic but has such a sense of style to it. I don't know if it's the vibrancy or what, but it's kind of gorgeous‽ Thanks for sharing!
MiddleBodyInjury t1_j1z3k6y wrote
Either a Negroni or a boulevardier (same thing but with whiskey instead of gin)
highRPMfan t1_j1z3vnf wrote
This style is giving me weird ass vibes and I like it.
nikditt t1_j1z50k1 wrote
Ah, when slowly stirred not shaken, makes it elegant!
[deleted] t1_j1z7qwl wrote
bonersoup4 t1_j1z7qyh wrote
Wish your light had some dapple in the shape of cloud effects to give this a sense a movement. It feels almost completely still. Lovely otherwise!
GarbagePailGrrrl t1_j1z7txo wrote
Put this on YouTube with brown noise as the BG and you’ve got a whole new version of LoFi girl
jamma_mamma t1_j1z955k wrote
How does this have nearly 14k upvotes? Botting?
CaptainDickfingers t1_j1z9inx wrote
Nice little reference to him in the gif too! Great work op!
[deleted] t1_j1z9vy2 wrote
Big-Representative62 t1_j1zb3kq wrote
Art can bring up a lot of images in the mind… such as the bill for that overpriced airplane cocktail.
[deleted] t1_j1zbpik wrote
[deleted] t1_j1zdgqb wrote
[deleted] t1_j1ze4kq wrote
Dudemaster12 t1_j1ze6pq wrote
Would you kindly fetch me another drink?
Novel-Departure t1_j1zef98 wrote
This art piece is an escape from the chaos of holidays. Awesome work!
[deleted] t1_j1zek1z wrote
-Wiradjuri- t1_j1zf8s3 wrote
Looks great, I really like the feel of it. I will say that the refracted light though the glass doesn’t look right though. It is too bright/white to be refracted though a dark liquid like it is, and it’s also too large as it spreads out onto the table. So easy to fix though.
[deleted] t1_j1zfouh wrote
hanazawarui123 t1_j1zgr4v wrote
There's a series called "Undone" which uses Rotoscopy. Perhaps you may enjoy that
[deleted] t1_j1zix07 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1zjd1o wrote
HairyRoofus t1_j1zlak6 wrote
I have this picture on my wall, what a cool suprise! Do you use procreate or photoshop? This is so relaxing to watch.
pazkal t1_j1zlpap wrote
Dat subsurface scattering *chefs kiss Fantastic work.
AnalTrajectory t1_j1zmb0j wrote
I haven't seen airplane seats that spacious in years.
gumpton t1_j1zmdly wrote
I love the feeling of it and the lighting, but the hand is very uncanny valley
Mr-Sister-Fister21 t1_j1zmfv4 wrote
Didn’t know why this was kind of giving me anxiety, but then I remembered Get Out and it clicked.
[deleted] t1_j1zn9ye wrote
TheJocktopus t1_j1zndeu wrote
Love Death and Robots has an episode made with this style I believe. Episode 3, The Witness.
KingSpork t1_j1znpnw wrote
This must be from back when the windows lined up with the rows, before they crammed in more seats, last couple times I got a “window” seat it was just the plastic between windows.
Lolleski t1_j1znpxq wrote
The light scattering on that hand mhmhmhmhmhm
[deleted] t1_j1zrr5m wrote
erhue t1_j1zw4u4 wrote
i knew it was this photograph!
[deleted] t1_j1zxal6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2004ut wrote
vectorian t1_j206wgw wrote
Wish I could set this as a phone background.
seejordan3 t1_j207ifp wrote
I can hear this picture!
Jacob_Art t1_j209wpd wrote
Woah are they real? I assumed not because of the ice cube shadows
[deleted] t1_j20co8p wrote
Ihopetheresenoughroo t1_j20fvxq wrote
Wow why do I love this so much? It feels so calming...
[deleted] t1_j20l0ep wrote
Ihateparsnips t1_j20nz8t wrote
So much detail that treats the eyes. The subtle whispere of the clouds. The reflection of the ice on the laptray. The minute movements of the face in the tv reflection. Great!
xzelldx t1_j20pvnh wrote
First: stunning. If I had a digital frame stuff like this would go in it. This would make a banging animated wallpaper.
Second: the most distracting thing for me is that the shadow of the mint leaves is too sharp. With the softness of all the other elements it’s almost jagged looking.
scootyjewny t1_j20snqd wrote
Anyone else here a fan of parcels?
DadBodNineThousand t1_j20w544 wrote
Was it intentional to have the left hand look like it's gripping tightly?
Everything else looks so calm. The gentle swirling of the drink, the relaxed fit of the belt, the lack of heavy breathing.. but that left hand looks like he's truly nervous about flying and trying to look calm.
Love this style though, it's truly gorgeous!
BadYabu t1_j20w9mq wrote
How long did it take you?
hotlavatube t1_j20yxji wrote
I once flew Swiss Air and they had actual metal tableware and I said “oooh, posh!”.
ohgodohfuck__ t1_j20za13 wrote
Yo reminds me of parcels tieduprightnow
Nub_McWeaksauce t1_j20ztl6 wrote
This makes me very thirsty for some reason.
Kyoto_Explorer_666 t1_j20zyz8 wrote
Well planned and executed. Great stuff.
HannahTheArtist t1_j21611m wrote
The intense pink in the hand and contrast, I feel your Rockwell reference
beepsol t1_j21f7jg wrote
this is a art love the idea
meangreenbeanz t1_j21h68y wrote
Have you tried feeding prompts to stablediffusion or midjourney?
[deleted] t1_j224364 wrote
[deleted] t1_j22bx6v wrote
Wanny97 t1_j2ariwt wrote
omg may I have a process or tutorial about this? This is gorgeous! The shadow and the brush texture is amazing, I wonder if op have patrons for sharing this kind of npr render, I would love to follow😘😍
veryveig OP t1_j1wrhfr wrote
inspired by William Eggleston's classic photograph: Untitled (Cocktail on a Plane)
Original version seen here: