Unfortunate_Wildcard t1_izbpot5 wrote
Bro you did that on purpose didn't you.
[deleted] t1_izbr4uw wrote
Bottom-Shelf t1_izbu1ke wrote
I was like, “they accidentally made this mushroom like a… is that? Are those? Well done.”
Outrageous-Exit3892 t1_izbukys wrote
I just watched Fantastic Fungi last night... and this... ruined the experience for me. Well done.
glutenous_rex t1_izbvxv6 wrote
Note the NSFW tag
glutenous_rex t1_izbvzlg wrote
How did you capture every dream I've ever had so perfectly?
Unfortunate_Wildcard t1_izbwmpo wrote
Well I didn't see the nsfw tag
glutenous_rex t1_izbwq9h wrote
Haha I only look at posts with an NSFW tag.
Raindrop_12 t1_izc5vbh wrote
Wow, you are a great artist great job!
ethereallyexisting t1_izc89qd wrote
Wow, I could get lost in this piece. Such incredible details!
WeaknessLonely9676 t1_izcab47 wrote
Dear lord that's good. How long did it take to complete.
Arodg25 t1_izcan3l wrote
Original-P t1_izce7q7 wrote
Does that mushroom have a Prince Albert??
bob123838123838 t1_izcf39u wrote
curious_geoff t1_izcijhz wrote
I see you’re a member of the pen 15 club as well.
StillSundayDrunk t1_izcmjsp wrote
Holy shit you even made a shagginfly
mazzotta70 t1_izcoooi wrote
This is as if young Jonah Hill from Superbad! Grew up to be a successful phallic artifex
raven21633x t1_izcrw7z wrote
The ultimate Rorschach test.
Anders_Calrissian t1_izcu21w wrote
Why is a mushroom and a majestic one at that unsuitable for work?
TomorrowWriting t1_izcvhec wrote
I got 13 dicks, 3 balls, and 2 butts. I hope OP posts the answer key soon.
Boy, Highlights has changed a lot since I was a kid.
ProbablyChe t1_izcvwxw wrote
Deffinately see the Bristol in this picture
[deleted] t1_izcxrrr wrote
cat_on_my_keybord t1_izcyyyk wrote
i came here after looking at porn and im tripping balls
zombeatrice t1_izcz7qd wrote
Getting some strong "Pink Floyd; The Wall" vibes.
keyboardonmydick t1_izd1tmb wrote
Alien vibes. First time seing a dickbug so thx ig
VictimOfCrickets t1_izd37wv wrote
I love the shading and overall weird vibe. And that's all I can say, cuz everything else I can think of sounds wrong!
Lovely work!
XumiNova13 t1_izd3d92 wrote
Can anyone please explain to me why people are obsessed with drawing penises? I'm not meaning this in a bad way, I just genuinely don't understand the appeal
SandQueen2 t1_izd3efb wrote
...u had a bad no nut November didn't you..
nzcapybara t1_izd5mun wrote
Are you Australian? Because a lot of the theme seems to be from down under.
Infinitelyodiforous t1_izd7uo2 wrote
Idk why, but now I'm hungry.
1000Hells1GiftShop t1_izd8hos wrote
>I got 13 dicks, 3 balls, and 2 butts.
Oh my.
kingtitusmedethe4th t1_izd98wn wrote
Dude look around the piece. Its obv
Dirtsniffee t1_izdb2m0 wrote
Kid from superbad is all grown up.
iguessimjustlivin t1_izdcosb wrote
How do you find clothes that fit?
iguessimjustlivin t1_izdcs62 wrote
Love how the big papa dick could also be a vulva. Ah, mushrooms🍄💛
TomorrowWriting t1_izdeio8 wrote
Maybe OP should look into fashion design next?
snave_ t1_izdetjh wrote
Defs four sets of balls.
stormychef666 t1_izdfd11 wrote
You know how many foods are shaped like dicks?
TomorrowWriting t1_izdffky wrote
Edit: u/snave_ leaves no testicle unturned.
BigEggPerson t1_izdfkb1 wrote
What surviving No Nut November does to a motherfucker ...
elsieburgers t1_izdfle9 wrote
The Wall vibes, imo. This is sick man
TerribleRun9476 t1_izdgjt1 wrote
there's a sub where people post pictures of things that look like penises (or is it vulva?). i think this belongs there.
violentponykiller t1_izdjhyl wrote
The best kinds!
Terentas_Strog t1_izdn13k wrote
Looks like an accurate representation of our society.
RipleysNest t1_izdq7qi wrote
If its wrong to like this I don't wanna be right.
kekusmaximus t1_izdsng5 wrote
Are you Australian perchance?
K9977986 t1_izduby9 wrote
So was I.
I_think_Im_hollow t1_izduvw0 wrote
Happy cake day!
veggiepizzaforever t1_izdvcns wrote
Are you that guy from Super Bad
LoveIsForEvery1 t1_izdw7ic wrote
A portrait of a penis that doesn’t wear condoms in third world countries. I love it!
Starvest_GameDev t1_izdzjnx wrote
That many😳? I need you to come over for some tv
TickleMonsterCG t1_ize1h1n wrote
Pilot 1: Dick!
Pilot 2: What?
Pilot 1: Take a look out of starboard.
Pilot 2: Oh my god, it looks like a huge...
CplCrawfish t1_ize2fn5 wrote
We just think they’re neat.
pokemonlettuce t1_ize868d wrote
You see what’s on your mind
Sirfancypants0 t1_ize91s1 wrote
Who do you think you are, H.R. Geiger?
Corvus_Manufaktura t1_izeaz79 wrote
>I got 13 dicks, 3 balls, and 2 butts.
What's the weather like over there in Chernobyl?
ghostlyfrank t1_izebymg wrote
Where do you get your inspiration?
ghostlyfrank t1_izec5lv wrote
Nice job. I didn’t know you had that GI Joe kung fu grip.
seal_eggs t1_izecf8r wrote
Deep seated human instinct
keep_trying_username t1_izeeyu3 wrote
Me at first: why am I a pervert for thinking these things?
TheBunk_TB t1_izefijk wrote
Sheer "Goofus" here?
(Gallant rubbed me the wrong way sometimes)
TheBunk_TB t1_izefmse wrote
Did that one come out of the dick treasure chest?
Yoconn t1_izeglwu wrote
Yes, those are dick flies.
71802VT t1_izeih22 wrote
My theory has always been; everyone who doesn't have one just doesn't get it.
Tepelicious t1_izejkv4 wrote
3.6 Celsius. Not great, not terrible.
[deleted] t1_izejp73 wrote
Crime_Dawg t1_izek7b7 wrote
This is some superbad shit
The--Nameless--One t1_izepxl0 wrote
AI haaates dicks.
But yeah, at any given point in time, the difference between more abstract art and Ai art will be hard to spot.
AyeeThink323 t1_izeqwbj wrote
What in the Super Bad is this lol
RoadOfTheLonelyOnes t1_izewdeu wrote
Looks like a Berserk panel but I can’t remember which one
[deleted] t1_izexfi7 wrote
taxidermyurass t1_izexkhy wrote
I'm getting some dirty vibes here. Well done
LongUsername t1_izf00mj wrote
If you go by most stuff on this sub, they're obsessed with drawing breasts. The breast/penis ratio on this sub is way more than one.
XumiNova13 t1_izf03uf wrote
tbf I only joined the sub yesterday or the day before lol
Able-Pressure-2728 t1_izf2knn wrote
Random Rick and Morty characters like
jwhoch OP t1_izfatly wrote
You're so close! 13 dicks, 4 balls (3 hidden and the big ones), and 2 butts!
jwhoch OP t1_izfb46i wrote
Happy little accidents!
iwantabjthrowaway t1_izfbv0j wrote
I was thinking more of a nature-oriented HR Giger.
jwhoch OP t1_izfcu68 wrote
Well, I'm gay, so a big part of it is just preference. For me, patterns found in the natural world are repeated in a lot of ways and penises have always reminded me of plant life. This is just a different way of expressing a connection to nature.
jwhoch OP t1_izfcyv2 wrote
jwhoch OP t1_izfd22b wrote
A little bit nightmarish, and little bit trippy, and a little bit horny? Sounds about right.
jwhoch OP t1_izfd39m wrote
I'm stealing this nomenclature
jwhoch OP t1_izfdkl8 wrote
Excellent Show. Also check out Michael Pollen's "How to Change your Mind"! I struggled with decades of depression and addiction, and after a couple years of using psychedilcs, I had a powerful trip 1 year ago this week that did something profound to my mindset. A couple months after that I discovered I could draw (in Feb of this year) and it's been a wild adventure ever since.
jwhoch OP t1_izfdrd9 wrote
60+ hours over the course of 2 weeks (while still working my full time job). It was like a demon haunting me for a while, but I'm super happy with how it turned out.
jwhoch OP t1_izfdw9e wrote
It's a dragonfly, but yes. I'm kind of obsessed with it and I think I'm going to make a much larger version soon
jwhoch OP t1_izfdxhm wrote
Did what? What ever do you mean?
jwhoch OP t1_izfe407 wrote
We all start life as females. I wish more men would realize this.
Unfortunate_Wildcard t1_izfe90b wrote
You right. I must imagined it. Does that make me gay because I'm imagining a penis?
jwhoch OP t1_izfeedi wrote
I highly suggest getting very high and taking a gander at it
jwhoch OP t1_izfeg6c wrote
Hell yes!
jwhoch OP t1_izfeuhm wrote
AI steals existing art from real living artists (without permission mind you) to create what it does. It needs human made art to base the style and core imagery in order for it to create anything. At the end of the day, human's are still the source.
jwhoch OP t1_izfez7l wrote
Look closer dear
jwhoch OP t1_izff20v wrote
Nope, I'm from Michigan. But there's a lot of nature here too!
jwhoch OP t1_izff557 wrote
"Why are there not more?" is a better question
jwhoch OP t1_izff6o1 wrote
*blush* - I'd be honored
Azukola t1_izff7mo wrote
Reminds me of the Berserk scene.
jwhoch OP t1_izffa0l wrote
I'm not, but you're the second person to ask this! I'm from Michigan
jwhoch OP t1_izffgia wrote
Do I need permission?
jwhoch OP t1_izffklt wrote
Nature, psychedelics, and good old anxiety loops in my brain.
jwhoch OP t1_izffmol wrote
jwhoch OP t1_izfg5ab wrote
Oh wow, they look angry!
Azukola t1_izfgpmw wrote
Well I'm not mad at ya lol
Sirfancypants0 t1_izfh1f6 wrote
No, but you need the gumption to surpass even his levels of yonnic and phallicness
jwhoch OP t1_izfh1gv wrote
jwhoch OP t1_izfhnu8 wrote
Challenge Accepted!
mjkjg2 t1_izfihmp wrote
everyone is a bro or a dude to me
TomorrowWriting t1_izfnla4 wrote
nzcapybara t1_izgt3h4 wrote
A random guess but ironically, in Australia, slang for sex is having “a root”. Great picture though
jwhoch OP t1_izgtbgl wrote
That makes a lot of sense now! Thank you!
WeaknessLonely9676 t1_izly98f wrote
Well, it seemed to turn on... I mean turn out well.
[deleted] t1_izbl9gv wrote