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firstimpressionn OP t1_j6lv927 wrote

Same. I’d seen it on a couple of occasions on reddit, but never looked further into the story of the child until asked to make a painting from the image.

It’s such a sad story, and only gets worse the more you read about how much suffering this child endured.


Shaveyourbread t1_j6lve5u wrote

You did an amazing job on the painting, I recognized it immediately, but your personal touch is awesome.


firstimpressionn OP t1_j6lw9iy wrote

Thank you- I genuinely appreciate feedback on it- it’s completely unlike my typical work in every sense, and was a somewhat disturbing project. I’d hoped the positive side of Diego’s personality and spirit would somehow emerge, but all I see when I look at it is despair.


Shaveyourbread t1_j6lwoaw wrote

I looked at some of your other work, you're really talented, but the despair in this painting is what makes it beautiful. I'm sure that boy had a wonderful spirit in his short life, but in that moment, he was confronted with the ugliness of the world. It's not a happy scene, I think you did it justice.