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PaulTheSoul326 OP t1_j6kgixu wrote

That's the issue, the lowest ones are supposed to be distant from the observer that the big ones, that are supposed to be near, so basically the lowest are located near the horizon line. I see that it's not intuitive, so maybe I'm gonna paint the horizon sky with a color similar to white/light blue and add more clouds of slightly darker color, to increase the sense of distance


Commentment_Phobe t1_j6kjjba wrote

Its that if we were view the clouds at that angle there would be more ground level objects and or ground in view?


PaulTheSoul326 OP t1_j6klitv wrote

I just wanted to draw a blank grassland, idk there's something about that concept, like superflat world in mc, that i really like Anyway, thanks for your opinion