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[deleted] t1_j67bypw wrote

I was convinced this is r/im14andthisisdeep


sammalmalja t1_j67ndl3 wrote

I’m 31 and this isn’t deep — but I still think it’s a good and mostly well thought drawing that reflects some aspects of our society.


[deleted] t1_j67tag9 wrote

I didn't want to make anyone feel bad. I think the illustration is ok and truthful, but a cliché.


_BlueFire_ t1_j68p8p4 wrote

This. It has a base of truth, but it's cheesy to the point of feeling like being considered a preschool kid. And also so "i want this to be obvious and explicit" that it misses any possible shade (like, fuck, I'm born poor and I won't die poor, anyone reposting stuff like that never had to budget groceries)


[deleted] t1_j6917rb wrote

Yes, additionally, what was particularly striking to me are the very simplistic worldviews devoid of nuance: capitalism bad, office jobs unfulfilling, money doesn't provide happiness. While these can all be true at face value, they are all very debatable and can depend on the context.

But also the the path from choosing the message to choosing the execution seems short and unoriginal. Money = trap? Okay, but there's nothing more to it.

To not be all negative, here are some examples that I think are better. While these are all designs rather than illustrations, I chose them because they use similar simplistic premises, but the execution is a bit more clever. They combine multiple symbols in a creative and intriguing way:

1, 2, 3, 4


_BlueFire_ t1_j6b3ogs wrote

Exactly! These shows that the artist put at least a little bit of thinking into that. They're not as profound as the average elementary school essay