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jonzebfronzeb OP t1_j9sy5z3 wrote

St. Bane of Ana-polis, preacher of Del Monte. His picture as see on the newly found Codex Bananacanus found in the Nag Hammadi Fruit Market near the Dead sea urchin rolls.

Researchers date it anywhere from 150 CE to 2023. On the front of the Banana we can see the saintly figure holding a banana with a halo-ish crown of Del Monte on top. This codex was rejected at The Council of Nutella.

Own this treasure of history and elevate yourself as a rare collector. Current bid starts at $4 million.


RexVesica t1_j9umuhy wrote

At first I thought “wow, what an unfunny post, let’s see where else they post to. Then I saw all of your AI art spam, then I saw your religion induced homophobia.

What a just overall terrible person.


jonzebfronzeb OP t1_j9v0eiu wrote

You sound lovely


RexVesica t1_j9v19po wrote

I know I definitely sound better than a homophobe lmao. My tolerance ends where your intolerance begins. I’ll be perfectly cordial until you start being intolerant of things others can’t change.

People don’t choose to be gay. You on the other hand have chosen to be a bigot.

One day on your death bed you’ll realize you’ve wasted your whole life being filled with hate because of some imaginary story that doesn’t come true in the end.


jonzebfronzeb OP t1_j9v2p3f wrote

Nice to meet you too!


RexVesica t1_j9v3m74 wrote

So that’s your way of confirming you are in fact a bigot?

I can’t say it’s nice, but I guess now I’ve met you.