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pylonfisher OP t1_jefsx3a wrote

I based it off one I saw in a book years ago, and then redesigned most of the alphabet into my own. I just use it to put down thoughts id rather not have broadcasted directly online. so I get to write how im feelin , or whatever im thinking about while I draw while still keeping a bit of emotional privacy.


Jakob_the_Grumpy t1_jefp92j wrote

Bravo, amazing picture but unfortunately it made me sad 😅. In all earnestness that is some amazing light work and great use of space to create emptiness.. I get a bit of the same feeling as when looking at creepy liminal spaces. Particularly the unreasonably deep seeming pool works very well to enforce the feeling of emptiness and wrongness (the wrongess coming from this place being so empty when it is normally a crowded space).

Have you considered making a whole series of pictures like this? You created something really evocative and I think it would look awesome.