Celestialsmoothie28 t1_jegsbno wrote
Giving toast to the great Tara Condell
No-Wallaby-5568 t1_jegseki wrote
Watching porn.
-Floccinauci- t1_jegsff6 wrote
My wife.
Good-Schedule-513 t1_jegsix6 wrote
Bungee jumping off a cliff into the ocean
Sandman11x t1_jegsl9e wrote
Trying to kill myself. Literally
ozfrozz t1_jegsly8 wrote
being alone at home with my cat
throwawaylogin2099 t1_jegsnh4 wrote
TallEnoughJones t1_jegsp7h wrote
I too choose to die with this guy's wife
rbs1325 OP t1_jegssxr wrote
Jimbogamer123 t1_jegt3o0 wrote
Hacking something
MrCCross t1_jegvoti wrote
Protecting those who needed him
smolxo t1_jeh416c wrote
Watching tik toks
randomguyfromafrica t1_jegsama wrote