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TeenyWeenyQueeny t1_iyfamo8 wrote

Belief and real life experiences that affirm those beliefs.

Also, I believe we as humans are very much so connected to the world around us, including the planets/stars so where they’re positioned when we are born and developing in childhood absolutely affects who we become as adults.

My real life experiences and interactions with people have affirmed my belief in astrology and numerology.

Just like Religion.

Astrology isn’t for people who lack belief.


Skolvikesallday t1_iyfbgqg wrote

And just like religion, it's made up BS with zero evidence or science to back it up.


TeenyWeenyQueeny t1_iyfccq0 wrote

Always wondered why people like yourself have so much vitriol towards beliefs and ideas that aren’t based on science.

The reaction is never neutral. It’s always a visceral annoyance directed towards those who have belief systems that aren’t routed in science.

Interesting to witness.


Warlornn t1_iyfatpb wrote

No. I mean, how does it actually work?

What is the mechanism behind the stars telling us things about our futures?


TeenyWeenyQueeny t1_iyfc2s0 wrote

Oh, Apologies.

Well, Astrology, from my understanding, uses scientific knowledge and a set of rules about the positioning and movement of the Sun, Moon, Planets and stars to analyse and predict the influence they have over earthly events including the human experience.

That being said, Astrology isn’t “testable” like science as we know it although some Astrologers may say otherwise.

I only know so much and the little I know is enough to convince me of it’s legitimacy.


aekkor t1_iyfcqjx wrote

If it makes predictions then why can’t it be tested? Make the predictions and see if your predictions are more often true or false.


TeenyWeenyQueeny t1_iyfdqij wrote

Well, for me that’s where the affirmation comes in. Until I analysed my birth chart, I would have said my Sun sign was only 30% accurate. When I read into my Moon sign, Rising sign and Houses in my Natal chart, it all came together and made complete sense.

If you’re genuinely curious, I’d recommend doing a Natal Chart reading - only if you have an open mind.

Belief systems are not for those who don’t approach life with an open mind.


Warlornn t1_iyfcvcx wrote

But wait. If it's not testable, how could you ever tell if it works?


TeenyWeenyQueeny t1_iyfddu8 wrote

I dunno, ask an astrologer. There’s plenty lurking on Reddit.

I personally said I treat Astrology and Religion S belief systems. You either believe the information that’s presented in front of you or you don’t. My personal life experiences have affirmed the information I have been presented with time and time again which is why I believe.