Submitted by MrMrMarioBro5555 t3_z97dt7 in AskReddit
Boneless_pizza2 t1_iyfc73l wrote
Tell them that they have more sausage between their first and last names than they do between their legs
FireMaster2311 t1_iyfc9s4 wrote
Call them a turtle stomping plumber?
just-some-bored-guy t1_iyfca83 wrote
Snap your spaghetti noodles in half before putting them in the pot
2quinnfinity t1_iyfcacp wrote
Speak Italian sounding gibberish.
fleischsackmarodeur t1_iyfcbb7 wrote
Throw his cat into a fish tank filled with acid.
MrMrMarioBro5555 OP t1_iyfcd1n wrote
That’s devilish
FireMaster2311 t1_iyfcfk3 wrote
Italian middle names are sausage?
soulking234 t1_iyfchmx wrote
Breath at the wrong pace and or pitch
MeesterChicken t1_iyfcilz wrote
Use the American Italian terms for food items.
KidCantakerous t1_iyfco4c wrote
This will work fastest
burpchelischili t1_iyfcq80 wrote
Tie their hands so they can't talk.
weaintfancy42069 t1_iyfcqop wrote
Omg they’d be livid
weaintfancy42069 t1_iyfcsoj wrote
Tell them their pasta sauce sucks
AcadiaLow4488 t1_iyfd5cx wrote
According to those super cringey Instagram couples, anything and everything pisses off an Italian.
Justasimplewanker21 t1_iyfd8l3 wrote
Insult their grandmother’s sauce.
RSwordsman t1_iyfd95y wrote
Pineapple on pizza.
fleischsackmarodeur t1_iyfdaew wrote
Yeah I heard it's a big taboo in Italy.
fishinforfun208 t1_iyfdcti wrote
Pre made store bought pasta
t0h9r8o7w6n5a4w3a2y t1_iyfdd0a wrote
Call them the equivalent of the n word to a person of color, or the f word toward a gay man.
WARNING: If they came off the boat here they will have deep seeded anguish and this term may incite flying plates, wine bottles, etc.
Source: man married into Italiano family of dissent and off the boats referred to above.
MidwestTransplant09 t1_iyfdfre wrote
Serve them sauce from a jar.
UnspoiledWalnut t1_iyfdhvl wrote
Calling pasta "noodles" does the trick just fine, you don't need to be a psychopath.
_chisaki_ t1_iyfdp5z wrote
>spaghetti noodles
THIS is how you piss us off
turquoise2j t1_iyfdqkt wrote
Tell them pasta tastes better in france
deadpoolgermany t1_iyfdxwb wrote
Ask for carbonara with cream
MattTheSmithers t1_iyfedsz wrote
Tell them the Princess is in another castle.
Mysterious-Bench-527 t1_iyfc6nj wrote
Pineapple on pizza