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Convergentshave t1_iqyz0at wrote

You can confirm after owning it a year?


Reaching4ThoseGrapes OP t1_iqyzt8v wrote

Sure—it’s thick, top-grain leather with strong stitching and rivets. Built like a tank.

How it holds up after twenty years? No idea, haven’t had it twenty years yet.


bryrod t1_iqz56a8 wrote

If it gets uncomfortable get the sheepskin wool band


rrogido t1_iqzxkff wrote

I've had very good results using Obenaufs LP to care for my leather goods. If you don't already have something you like for leather treatment give it a try. It does a great job preserving the leather and is a good protectant.


Ecstatic_Carpet t1_ir0o4q9 wrote

Is there much of a difference between leather treatments? I use mink oil currently, should I be looking to make a switch?


rrogido t1_ir2mn89 wrote

Take a look at the Obenaufs website or watch some YouTube videos for more detailed info, but in short I prefer the Obenaufs to mink oil. It is very useful as a waterproofer and protectant. I have found the Obenauf's lasts longer and protects against harsher environments.


sarcasticallyabusive t1_ir143l6 wrote

is it really only top grain?

theres no way im dropping 300 bucks on anything short of full grain haha.

unless is chuck 300 bucks into the hands of diamondback for some fancy nylon hahahha


Reaching4ThoseGrapes OP t1_ir14g9h wrote

I think top grain is a solid choice for this application. What benefit would you expect from full grain?


fogbound96 t1_iqz0lo8 wrote

A year is pretty long time for a trade most of my gear belts, shoes, and gloves do not last that long and my tool belt definitely not looking like this at the end.


chadspdx t1_iqzcpno wrote

I bought the carpenters bag because it has more room than the electricians. Would not recommend. Sent it in once when new because the sides collapsed and rivets were popping out. Happened again and threads were pulling out. Bought the pocket caddy also. Same deal. Rivets popped out and lacing tore out. When they sent the bag back to me they had a note saying it added character because it was an heirloom. Can’t fall apart when new and ever be an heirloom. I retired them a couple of months ago. Did not make it four years. And no they were not abused.


bloodfist45 t1_ir1g6q7 wrote

That’s a straight up lie. They mailed you saying it was an heirloom? What is this a 1920 soap opera?


chadspdx t1_ir1h87y wrote

It’s not me telling the lie. The exact quote where they mention heirloom. I have the notes and emails. “They age with time making them an heirloom rather then a tool box you toss out in a year. “


LiveShape1335 t1_iqzwcn9 wrote

If you worked anywhere around the construction industry you wouldn’t even think of asking that question. Hell, I’m a plumber and I know that those bags are the golden standard of bags and they easily last guy’s entire careers.


Someotherfucker t1_ir026ck wrote

I have the nylon ultra lights that look brand new after 7 years...of asphalt roofing lol great company