Submitted by dcdcdani t3_11wp4ad in BuyItForLife

My husband shaved his head about 6 months ago and pillow covers haven’t looked the same since. We have a dark grey set, and his pillow cover almost looks wet after a few days of use, or as if it had a big oil stain. We also have an off white or cream-ish set and this one looks yellow. My pillows never do this but I have long hair.

The stains go away after washing but it only takes a day or two for the stains to show up!! So the bed looks dirty all the time despite changing the sheets weekly.

Anyways, we have a double bed right now and getting a king delivered on Wednesday so I need to buy new sheets. I’d like to get a color that hides these stains a little bit better, that are also good quality. But I don’t want yellow coloured sheets.

Any recommendations? I am willing to spend up to $150 CAD per set (I want two sets).



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Aggravating-Bee-5163 t1_jczbbcx wrote

How about showering before bed?

Flannel patterned sheets or fleece sheets might be more absorbent.

Also try changing sheets every couple days, and adding dishwasher detergent powder to your washing machine.


dcdcdani OP t1_jczbj6o wrote

He showers around 7pm every day, basically the minute he gets home from work.

Edit: And he we have patterned sheets too that we use less often and they show it too.

I’m starting to think there’s no way around this lol


Impreza95 t1_jczd3w1 wrote

In general (for clothes at least) shades between white and black will show sweat stains the most. Stark white and stark are your best bet. For oily/yellowing it sounds like white isn’t doing it for you, so I think you might need to try black or at the least a dark navy. Gray even if it’s dark tends to contrast sweat more than navy.


alphacoaching t1_jczdqzn wrote

Try navy blue. If you're part of the Costco thing, Kirkland brand cotton sheets are fairly high quality and come in a dark blue that's very good at hiding this very issue.


DadOfRuby t1_jczfjio wrote

I buy extra pillowcases and change them every couple of days (mostly due to allergies). If his head is releasing oil and/or sweat onto his pillowcase, he probably shouldn’t have his face laying on it for multiple nights in a row, regardless of color.


dcdcdani OP t1_jczjib9 wrote

This is a good idea! I’ll have to look for a set and hope I can find extra pillow cases that looks the same!! He is allergic to pretty much everything in spring and summer so this might help with his allergies as well. Thank you!!


iantrich t1_jczvlg2 wrote

Silk, I had the same problem with all kinds of different materials but just regular silk pillow cases was the answer. No more stains at all.


Walkop t1_jd05crx wrote

I would just get him to wear a sleep cap. Although that's not ideal, and can be kind of annoying for some people. If that doesn't work, honestly, I would just suck it up, it's not that big a deal.

One commenter suggested silk pillowcases? Might be the only other option?


throowaawayyyy t1_jd0rq83 wrote

If this is a recent thing, he might want to get a basic check-up, excess sweating/oil production could be a sign of a hormonal issue. You linked it to shaving head but why was head shaved? Because of overheating?


LuLuGoPoo t1_jd0uqtq wrote

Try adding 1/2 teaspoon of TSP to the laundry. It's terrible for the environment, but it's amazing for getting rid of ring around the collar type of icky.

Tsp was regulated out of laundry detergent in the 90's and dishwasher detergents in the 00's for i think for good reasons. I will soak some laundry in it periodically to get rid of body oils.


SmplTon t1_jd0v7b6 wrote

Sleep sweats are the worst sweats


nullpotato t1_jd0xv8v wrote

As someone with a shaved head and greasy scalp I will often wipe down my head with a washcloth. Either right before bed or randomly if feeling gross. Probably won't help if he sweats in his sleep though.


QXJones t1_jd14l9i wrote

In addition to switching pillowcases more often as others suggested, you can try routinely pretreating the ones you just took off (ie, give them a quick spray with shout and toss them in the basket). I do this with heavy sweat items like the collars of my work shirts and it definitely helps.


SimulatedKnave t1_jd1a9zz wrote

Blue. Dark green. Burgundy. Buy individual pillowcases at Wal-Mart.

Also, maybe he should grow his hair back a bit. This sounds disgusting.


akohhh t1_jd1ebc7 wrote

I always buy separates as I don’t use top sheets, so just look for these rather than brands that only sell sets. Then buy an extra pair or two of pillow cases and swap his out daily; use a pillow protector too so it’s not all going through into the pillow.

The other option is to buy a bunch of soft hand towels to lay over the pillow and swap those out daily, it can be more comfortable as it’s more absorbent than a pillow case.


BuckarooBanzaiPHD t1_jd2ye19 wrote

I had the same issue with my solid gray pillowcases. I got a set of complementary white/gray striped cases and the staining isn't as noticeable. You can also flip the cases after 2 days so he's sleeping on the "fresh" side. And as someone else mentioned I have multiple pillowcases and switch them out every 2-3 days. I actually feels better to sleep on the clean cases.


arafella t1_jd38mt6 wrote

So I've had this issue since puberty. Realistically any color or pattern you use will show the discoloration eventually (even yellow). Darker colors with patterns work best to hide it.

Depending on how much it bothers you the best way to mitigate the problem is to change how frequently you change your sheets.


highfivehighfive t1_jdgj4am wrote

Try getting something darker with a busy pattern....this will mask any discolouration