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ammmarks OP t1_jdl5388 wrote

I don’t know where are you taking that from, but the rules I read on “About” are not quite like you are describing


russkhan t1_jdl5mu8 wrote


ammmarks OP t1_jdl658x wrote

well I followed the rules on About, feel free to contact moderation if you feel like it, if they decide that is against guidelines so be it


russkhan t1_jdl6hkk wrote

>Who cares what the rules are! I want money for people who follow my link.

You're no better than any other spammer.


ammmarks OP t1_jdl6ves wrote

whatever makes you happy honey


HalfFullPessimist t1_jdll656 wrote

Reading is hard for some people. They used the quote bracket like they copied and pasted but then clearly edited rule 7 as if everyone couldn't just go see it for themselves.

Some people just have to make shit up OP to be butthurt about.

Love my Torchy as well, O-light makes a knock off of it. It looks nice in blue.