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JALKHRL t1_jdwnfar wrote

Any recommended brand? I searched for Sparschäler as it was a brand. TIL how to say peeler in German.


Secundus_Scipio OP t1_jdwrpdu wrote

If you look for a similar design look for westmark famos. It is also made in Germany and westmark (brand) claims that the peeler „famos“ is the original. On my peeler I cannot find the brand.


IftaneBenGenerit t1_jdx5ah8 wrote

The Spar- part in Sparschäler comes from the verb sparen, meaning to save, because it shaves the minimal amount of material off of your vegetable or fruit, thus saving more for actual consumption. Savings banks in German are also called Sparkasse for example and energy saving lamps are called Energiesparlampe.