Submitted by ChunkyBrassMonkey t3_1264o3p in BuyItForLife
Their site has very nicely made webbing-based harnesses, collars, and leashes, all backed with a "even if chewed" lifetime warranty. The leash we use (not pictured) has heavy duty metal fixings, a nice padded handle, and an attractive, strong webbing for the main length.
They also offer leather goods also made in the USA by Weaver, those aren't covered by LupinePets warranty but they're also incredibly well made, and covered by Weaver.
The best part is none of the things they sell are expensive, almost everything on the site is only a few dollars more than the equivalent Chinese junk you'd get thru Amazon. And they offer coupon codes fairly regularly.

feazing t1_je7ioci wrote
He has that “take this shit off me now” look imo lol