wizzskk8 t1_jdwhixr wrote
Show us the inside. Her readiness to go looks questionable!
DestroyerOfIphone t1_jdwhrr5 wrote
buffing wheel with exhaust polish would have this thing looking fresh.
befarked247 OP t1_jdwi5ok wrote
Ha good one...
jaymz668 t1_jdwjec0 wrote
did you ever clean it?
apjak t1_jdwjkaz wrote
Laptop from hell.
SMWinnie t1_jdwjtic wrote
Was thinking, “If it takes 32 years to warm up, what am I making?”
I mean, it’s grilled ham and cheese, but mustard? Some carmelized onion?
johnyyhopkins t1_jdwkktx wrote
I don't understand where it starts and where it ends. That being said, you may have been the first person to have ever made a panini in 1991
befarked247 OP t1_jdwl9av wrote
Ok so it's 5am so I just cooked breakfast on it. Ready to go.
vlarkvaaran t1_jdwlwjl wrote
No. You don't want to lose 32 years of seasoning!
wizzskk8 t1_jdwng6q wrote
That doesn't look bad at all! Fair play
Haggls t1_jdwopl5 wrote
Not at all! I'd have breakfast with ya! Also, pineapple and ham and an egg? I'm definitely trying this soon. I love the ham and pineapple pizzas
Yourbubblestink t1_jdwpjpn wrote
Some cleaner and a rag would have gone a long way
befarked247 OP t1_jdwpq20 wrote
Yeah, throw that combo on a bagel, a bread roll or even just some toast.
graveybrains t1_jdwrijq wrote
Once every thirty two years
DestroyerOfIphone t1_jdws9w6 wrote
The outside.
Aflyingmongoose t1_jdwz1rc wrote
But the outside is the tastiest part
eternity42 t1_jdwz4tn wrote
try to clean it once in a while
zilog88 t1_jdx0946 wrote
That's not it. These appliances used to have a heat resistant hammer paint, which starts to peel off after a decade or so and for whichever reasons the metal underneath rusts quite a lot, just like on the photo above. But in general I agree that OP may want to get it coated in a nice new layer of heat resistant paint.
Fit_Sandwich9551 t1_jdx0ni6 wrote
Fit_Sandwich9551 t1_jdx0p9s wrote
I spit my tea.
hexter19 t1_jdx1qlk wrote
Breville makes good stuff!
lord31173 t1_jdx3xxg wrote
I mean sure congratulations but clean it up maybe?
Slugnutty2 t1_jdx3yfk wrote
Damn 32 years is a LOOOONNNNGGGGG time to heat up, at least you hade ample time to think about what you were going to make...
SilverDem0n t1_jdx7rzs wrote
That thing is battered to hell and back, so I have... Sympathy for the Breville!
Yes, I hold a valid Dad Joke licence.
NoSet8966 t1_jdxbt18 wrote
If it works, it works!
ronflair t1_jdxdd2r wrote
Extreme sous vide cooking.
Bake_jouchard t1_jdxddqa wrote
Damn setup instruction must have been worse then ikea if it took 32 years to get it ready to go.
vagabonne t1_jdxdqe7 wrote
Tbh I’d keep it if I were you. Nothing is built to last at this point, if you “upgrade” you’ll have to replace it every couple of years. Just clean it and keep it up.
If you don’t want it, I might.
AndrewNB411 t1_jdxhkn9 wrote
Pretty sure Italians have him beat.
Netsurfer_x2 t1_jdxhthv wrote
Break out the metal polish, get her all shiny again, put some nice clear (heat resistant!) lacquer & she'll be a pretty lady again.
CaravelClerihew t1_jdxi2hi wrote
I get what your title is saying, but it does imply that your sandwich press took 32 years to heat up.
johnyyhopkins t1_jdxj01g wrote
Cant say. Nobody has been to italy prior to ‘91 except for Chuck E. Cheese who acquired the recipe for “pizza”, as he called it.
AndrewNB411 t1_jdxk5lz wrote
God bless that brave little mouse
SimpleVegetable5715 t1_jdxns8a wrote
Wow that's such a shame Breville isn't what it used to be.
Rave__Medic t1_jdxo09e wrote
Seasoning for the eyes
reggionh t1_jdxo1a0 wrote
meanwhile my breville microwave is dead after only 2 years. i don’t recommend this brand at all.
wahnsin t1_jdxobhb wrote
I once inherited a cheap plastic one from my little sister. It had been in use for maybe 1-2 years. I wanted to see whether the plates could be switched out with new / different ones. Opened it up. You know how there's a tiny bit of space where the plates end and the case starts? Well, turns out cheese doesn't just get stuck in that, it flows straight on through. And so do grease and crumbs and all other gooey goodness. Had some kind of sci fi alien world living under those plates, from the looks of it. Pink and green and yellow and black and somehow simultaneously slimy and crusty. Yeghhhh.
dubbless t1_jdxp2cn wrote
How do you stack it? Ham, ham, egg, pineapple?
SirJamesGhost t1_jdxpag5 wrote
Some Oxalic Acid (Barkeepers Friend) should freshen up the exterior!
cybergeek11235 t1_jdxpzkw wrote
How dare you make the joke I wanted to make, five hours before I knew I wanted to make it.
How very dare.
TurboLasagne t1_jdxv5tr wrote
Sad to say that new Breville items are trash. In the last 6 years or so i've lost TWO of the newer Breville sandwich presses, the heater elements stopped working in one, and the other would lose power intermittently, making it useless. Now i have a Russell Hobbs sandwich press that is going strong at 2 years old. But i do not recommend a new Breville sandwich press.
---ShineyHiney--- t1_jdxvt1j wrote
I’d have to go egg on top, personally
mule_roany_mare t1_jdxvusc wrote
Pineapple & shredded carrot is one of the stangers combos I've had that work really well.
Pineapple is way more versatile than you'd think.
AugieAscot t1_jdxwa6x wrote
Try sauerkraut on a grilled cheese sandwich. It’s really good.
vampyire t1_jdxx3va wrote
Breville makes great stuff
MGPS t1_jdxxaba wrote
If that is chrome, you can crumple up some aluminum foil and rub it on it and it will remove all that rust. Old hot rod / bicycle builder trick.
WeAreElectricity t1_jdxy446 wrote
This is very good.
Astronopolis t1_jdxyb27 wrote
Can’t eat a wrinkly sandwich now.
AnotherHunter t1_jdxzmx7 wrote
the video made me say “ewww” out loud…
ZeboSecurity t1_jdy0erm wrote
I have the same one that I got with credit card reward points 30 years ago, it's still in near mint condition and we use it a few times a week.
Domain98 t1_jdy0sgz wrote
Find a place to get her laser cleaned, the iron deserves another chance
n8loller t1_jdy0sqo wrote
Oh! That's the top and the inside is the cooking surface! I was just looking at the photo and thinking that looks nasty. The inside looked way better
YoseppiTheGrey t1_jdy2k31 wrote
Please fucking clean it
nicskins t1_jdy44el wrote
This does seem like a peculiar buy for an 18 year old. Makes me wonder what other strange buys you’ve made over the years.
ArmNo210 t1_jdy53ya wrote
Can you remember how much you paid for it? That’s so cool
[deleted] t1_jdy7gut wrote
[deleted] t1_jdy7hzp wrote
Fryceratops t1_jdy91tz wrote
My mom does a pineapple and shredded carrot cake with a buttermilk glaze that is incredible.
Fryceratops t1_jdy94dt wrote
The bread isn't that old
danthemanhasaplanb t1_jdycamx wrote
I had been meaning to try this and this comment reminded me! I'm making one now
Amy-Too t1_jdygbpf wrote
Why did you buy a sandwich iron at 18? You're about my age, and the first time I heard about sandwich irons was when the panini craze hit (2002?).
BigTimberSauce87 t1_jdyhmch wrote
Or kimchi
windoneforme t1_jdyhntp wrote
Kimchi all the way!
BigCityHonker t1_jdyi3wf wrote
Bruv - warm water and soap
VacantlyPanoramic65 t1_jdyjaxs wrote
You can do multitask from it
learnindisabledchimp t1_jdykvy6 wrote
What brand is it ?
squidgeyyy t1_jdynqdk wrote
Nice but she needs a good clean with barkeepers friend
anvilsp t1_jdyo2j0 wrote
throwawayinthe818 t1_jdyr6by wrote
And destroy the patina? Haven’t you watched Antiques Roadshow?
Regular_Imagination7 t1_jdytcn0 wrote
a sand-which maker is the go to young male adult kitchen
Funktron3000 t1_jdyufix wrote
Ready to go a few more rounds! Send that bad Larry here before you throw it away. I bet it’s got another 30 good years left
wizzskk8 t1_jdz07m6 wrote
Tropicalthinker_ t1_jdz0hop wrote
Did you throw up on it back in college?
SpiritedAd5199 t1_jdz1fpi wrote
What does it iron?
Some_Ad934 t1_jdz2b1c wrote
So you have used the same toaster for 32 years ? You nasty fuck
anvilsp t1_jdz33vq wrote
veryabnormal t1_jdz38x4 wrote
Mm. brev. I have an old one too. It was old in the 80s. I usually treat it with respect as it is tries to kill me with its cheese ray.
RoughhouseCamel t1_jdz7evg wrote
“32 years isn’t ‘for life’. Call us when it’s a lifetime, bro”
2high4much t1_jdzasuv wrote
Looks like it needs a cleaning
MagicBez t1_jdzav7h wrote
I have this exact same model, mine's been going about 11 years so looks a lot shinier but also seems to be BIFL
SheepishlySevere56 t1_jdzc4pk wrote
Is it still working?
Odd-Turnip-2019 t1_jdzct7u wrote
Any thoughts on cleaning it..?
chimpdoctor t1_jdzei7y wrote
Its still cleanable. I have one similar. Mine is a velox
zilog88 t1_jdzg6md wrote
Yeah, but it gets its rust back very quickly:)
mule_roany_mare t1_jdzvcll wrote
Invite me
seamore555 t1_je0ngdb wrote
Killl meeeeee
Longtimefed t1_je24pct wrote
Very nice. If there’s one thing I can’t abide it’s a wrinkly sandwich.
-SQB- t1_je269ls wrote
Please send it to a restoration channel such as OddTinkering.
Coders32 t1_je357rd wrote
No sauce/condiment?
thisisrodrigosanchez t1_je38hif wrote
I had a roommate in college that I swear cooked his food with gravity versus heat. It took him over an hour to cook a burger patty on an electric griddle.
befarked247 OP t1_je41hgb wrote
Yeah forgot about that. A drizzle of BBQ for that extra tang or one of your choosing. Don't forget the cheese
befarked247 OP t1_je4skla wrote
Jesus, that's next level humor.
mets2016 t1_je5eule wrote
By “ready to go” do you mean you’re ready to get rid of it, or it’s ready to operate right now?
befarked247 OP t1_je5ijuz wrote
It's ready to go as in ready to cook.
justpickthenextone t1_je7cqch wrote
Dang. Still providing honorable service
Efffer t1_je8t7m8 wrote
Checked the power plug after you mentioned the barbeque sauce. Go Aussie go!
weird_little_idiot t1_jeg83pm wrote
But it's almost ready
outtyn1nja t1_jdwcqaj wrote
It took that long to heat up?