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spambearpig t1_jdsfkw3 wrote

Just don’t lie it down in the bushes, you’ll never find it again!


Eff_Tee t1_jdslxb6 wrote

/r/HydroHomies would approve.


Ninnux t1_jdsp04n wrote

Cannondale, checking in.


AntiGarryGum t1_jdsq3o7 wrote

Yo that thing is sick! Probably my favorite Rivendell I’ve seen.


phairphair t1_jdsq68d wrote

Nice. But curious about the tilted saddle. Is it more comfortable riding with it tilted up like that?


derpderpderrpderp t1_jdsv8ni wrote

An Atlantis is my grail bike. Will probably end up selling half my others to make it happen.


Timmahj t1_jdsynov wrote

That is the coolest thing that if I own would be a waste.


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdszwxa wrote

It’s a little high. It’s a little camera angle too. After getting professionally fitted, I was told that with setting leather saddles, to tilt the nose no higher than four degrees. This was pre-fit..


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdt5j9m wrote

I’ve gone through a lot of bikes over the years. I currently have four. This is still my favorite over all time, and the one bike I will never sell. It’s had three paint jobs, and several group sets. I ensure it gets the best of everything even though it’s been relegated to being my ‘car’.

Grant knows how to design bike frames. I’m a big fan of Rivendell. I got a little tired of the classical Rivendell builds with everything having to be aesthetically just so, or you’re not part of the Riv faithful. Found myself annoyed with the gatekeepers and snobs online. So as a rebel, I built it up with a XX1 transmission, black cranks, black handlebars, black suspension post, cranks, etc. Still twined the kickstand though. :)

I hope you get one! You won’t regret it.


Halftrack_El_Camino t1_jdt6smj wrote

Any bike worth buying can be BIFL if you take care of it, that's one of the wonderful things about bikes! I do get why people are into Rivendell, though. For a particular cycling philosophy and aesthetic, they are really just the ultimate.


waymonster t1_jdt99i1 wrote

But what is there to discuss? I’m not judging just find it funny as a discussion topic. If I ever randomly join people talking about how good water is in real life. I think I’d just laugh lol


aneeta96 t1_jdtaubj wrote

I want that bag on your top tube. Good job.


BubbRubbsSecretSanta t1_jdtcwce wrote

For the folks that don’t take water for granted and also embrace it as part of their personality. Like the dudes at the gym that carry full gallons for some reason - I don’t get it, but that’s why I’m no hydro homie.


Khaosfury t1_jdtdfkt wrote

I think it's for the people who remind everyone else to drink water, since (at least in my personal experience) a lot of people don't think much about keeping their water intake up and are thus dehydrated despite being surrounded by clean water. I don't personally visit it much but that's my understanding at least.


spyVSspy420-69 t1_jdtfudu wrote

Those handlebars appear to be preposterously high, as in I see where the head tube ends and it looks like there’s a foot of spacers before the bars. Camera tricks or are you insanely upright on this?


julioqc t1_jdtn26m wrote

that bottom bottle must get so dirty after a ride


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdtpjdx wrote

Compared to a road bike they are high. A horizontal line drawn across the saddle, would hit right between the top of the bars and the end of drops. It bisects the drop in half. Half above the saddle, half below. I mostly ride in the drops not the hoods, and have had three back surgeries. Higher drops work much better for me on single track. Plus, I can just lean forward and flop down my forearms on the tops like an aerobar when I’m fighting a head wind or really tired. Slamming drops off road isn’t wise.


bladepen t1_jdtu422 wrote

Getting a WWII BSA paratrooper bike vibe.


cemeteryvvgates t1_jdtuozm wrote

When a post I just liked on my favorite sub gets remade in my second favorite sub. This is a great build and love the fresh paint color


HunterThompsonsentme t1_jdu1d1q wrote

Back in my day that sub was called r/ WaterNiggas but as it gained popularity, they changed it to something your face. The original meme was kind of an ironic play on how water tastes vs how it's necessary for life. That's the whole joke. "damn this water actually kinda fire???" well of course it is, it's what sustains life on this earth.

There was also a specifically black sensibility to the original joke, playing off a cultural stereotype that black people don't drink water, in fact they drink anything BUT water--soda, grape juice, energy drinks etc. Mostly just a stereotype, but I remember when those memes started circulating a lot of them came from "black people twitter"

It has since devolved into a subreddit for hydration and potable water appreciation ....and that's fine too. But the real ones remember the water niggas


trbt555 t1_jdu2v2o wrote

Something tells me you just like to blend in.


kajma t1_jdu4qwd wrote

Wow. Rarely comment on this sub. But this is



newtastyland t1_jdud5ke wrote

Very nice and I’m jealous now, but the saddle is a bit upright for me 😂


sunseeker_miqo t1_jdudzyo wrote

Upvoted your gratitude post because someone seems to have downvoted it, for some reason. Anyway, what an awesome bike! I immediately began investigating the brand. Thanks for posting such a beauty! Looks like it's seen many adventures.


Ace_Dystopia t1_jduee2l wrote

Who needs cargopants when you have a cargobike


PaniMan1994 t1_jduf9jr wrote

You're on a Rivendell.... Master Baggins cue elven music


Most_moosest t1_jduithr wrote

Eyyy a fellow camo biker! There's two of us

Does your clothing match the bike aswell?


BowTrek t1_jdulyzd wrote

Half the people I know hate water. My aunt even told me that after 40 years of marriage she’d never seen my uncle drink water— he even took medicine with juice or soda.


BowTrek t1_jduoxiv wrote

You do understand my point? The sub they are talking about is specifically about drinking water. Often plain but sometimes with lemon or cucumber, etc.

No one is claiming that soda is not mostly water. But people drinking soda don’t say they are drinking water. They say they are having soda.


powelljackd1 t1_jdurc36 wrote

Pretty cool bike. It reminds me of something an off-grid person would have.


thereadytribe t1_jduwmnp wrote

Beautiful ride. Those tires did right by me for years on hard pack.

Maybe it's the camera angle, but it looks like a hybrid mustache bar. Are the brakes comfortable to use if your hands are not in the drops?


thereadytribe t1_jdux8tl wrote

No idea how I saw this comment in all the other traffic, but I just discovered (maybe) a glitch in reddit this week. Only happened three times so far. Random comments on posts I was scrolling had MY down votes for no reason. Maybe I just have fat fingers? Dunno.

Edited for clarity


ElectronHick t1_jdv06js wrote

Kenda Small Block 8’s are one of my favourite treads.


MarthaFarcuss t1_jdv2dc9 wrote

Lovely. I have a Long Haul Trucker that I know will be the bike that I'll be riding when I'm an old(er) man.

What bars are you using? I'm running some Nitto Noodles and fancy a change. Also, do you find 1x limiting in any way for touring?


fucktheOvilleSystem t1_jdv30pr wrote

Love seeing the anti-Riv Riv builds. No optimistic, breezy colorway, 1x drivetrain, a frame bag, etc. Is that a SON 28 front hub? That could have a Bifl post on its own!


Halftrack_El_Camino t1_jdv3nuz wrote

That thought did cross my mind. It'll surely depend some on the frame though, and ironically I bet it'll be the super high-end frames where every possible gram has been shaved off that'll go first. Steel or aluminum, though? There's no reason those shouldn't last 100 years with even halfhearted care.


Bald_Iver t1_jdv4356 wrote

What do you do to protect the steel frame? I have a 2017 surly straggler that I hope to keep looking this nice for another 20+ years


small_e_900 t1_jdvpjdr wrote

nice bike!

The front wheel hub looks large. Izzat a generator hub?


rkt88edmo t1_jdvtuj4 wrote

Would love to see more detail on the trunk bag, or what is itodelled after? Beautiful ride and the bags are amazeballs. How much gear or clothing do you regularly sew?


cptjeff t1_jdvu7og wrote

No, carbon frames and aluminum frames wear out with use and eventually break. Steel doesn't. You have to make sure to keep it painted so that surface rust doesn't go through the frame, but in terms of long term durability no other bike is close. I mean, I'm riding my mother's old college bike from the 70s several times a week, and it's still in perfect shape. Try that shit with carbon.


cptjeff t1_jdvuq3o wrote

Aluminum fatigues with every stress cycle, getting more brittle until it just snaps. Steel is much more ductile, meaning as long as its max strain loads aren't exceeded that repeated stress won't fatigue the metal at all. You can drive aluminum for a long time, sure, but eventually it will just snap. Steel won't ever just snap from cyclical loading.


GavrielBA t1_jdw0dnf wrote

I don't know where you live but from my experience 1st world countries don't like water. They'll drink anything but water. Beer. Coffee. Tea. Cola. Other soft drinks. Fake juices. Milk. Protein shakes. You name it

Drinking water is too... Plebe for them


BCEXP t1_jdw4aa9 wrote

Absolutely beautiful!


Shamgar65 t1_jdw6r9w wrote

Love the name. Just throw all the make believe cities in there haha.


scarabic t1_jdwmf4v wrote

Rivendell Atlantis? Is that a real brand/product name? That’s like calling your company Legolas and one of your products Chewbacca.

Check out my Legolas Chewbacca everyone!


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdwp58y wrote

It actually the most comfortable saddle I’ve ever used. Selle Anatomica tensioned leather. It works like a hammock, no hard plastic base. It has a big slot down the middle for the ‘taint. It breaks in like boots and conforms to your unique butt. Still comfy after six hours…


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdwqcdi wrote

Usually not…. No bright colors. Camo clothing is a little too far commando-gun-lover for my peaceful, ptsd warped, granola-hippy personality to feel comfortable…. However I did buy a camo kit. I’m saving it for the apocalypse so I can hunt humans with a bow. I heard they are tasty. ;)


LiveLearnCoach t1_jdwsbq2 wrote

I’m impressed with the number of bottles. I used to ride half-centuries with people who ride even more than that. I’ve never seen a three-bottle setup, so thanks for that. We always found a point along the way to fill up at least one of the bottles.

I hope you wear bright colors and flashing lights. I always have concerns when going anywhere there are cars, with something like this, you don’t want to blend into the background.

Stay safe, enjoy and ride on!!


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdwt9yg wrote

They are SIMS Works drops. I ride in the drops almost exclusively. These have quite a bit of flair. I don’t think they still make this model. The brake levers are canted about forty degrees to vertical.

I can’t ride the Mustache bars. They place the levers too high and flat, for my too long ‘ulnar positive’ bone. My wrists don’t bend like that.

I don’t have any problems with a single ring tranny, but I keep my load light and use a small chainring. As far as spinning out, twenty miles per hour is faster than I can hold onto. I coast the downhills. I’ve rarely wished for bigger gears. Single ring is nice because I don’t have to worry about cross chaining. I can shift while totally brain dead from exhaustion… Simpler, lighter, with good climbing gears are all good things. I’m not interested in electronic drive trains for touring. I want EVERYTHING fixable by myself, in a rain storm, with minimal tools. :) Maybe once they are proven to be super durable and dependable I might consider them.


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdwv1t6 wrote

Every decade, I strip the frame and use ‘Frame saver’ on the inside. Velo Orange sells it if you can’t find it online. If you bring your bike inside on a cold day, humidity inside the frame condenses. Not good. Frame saver coats the steel to prevent rust.

Every strap has clear plastic helicopter tape (on the frame) beneath it, to prevent strap/silt abrasion. If anything touches or hits the frame, it gets covered.

If and when you repaint your frame, get it powder or ceramic coated. Both last much longer than paint. Keep steel bikes paint touched up. Rust is like a cancer, it spreads below the paint.


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdwwx7l wrote

You can find it way down in my Instagram feed under ‘DirtDanceDesigns’, my hobby site. These are old bags. I apologize in advance for too many projects being documented.

I designed the front and rear bags like real wide, tall boots. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE width. They are roll downs, with the boot shaft being the part that rolls down. The goal was leaving more of the top open for strapping stuff, than if the entry shaft was centered. The roll ends up on one side. Looks more tidy too.


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdwytyw wrote

I don’t sew clothing. I can’t figure out their patterns. Due to shallow pockets in pants and shorts being useless(!) I’m tempted to learn though… They aren’t secure enough for riding a bike and keeping stuff in.
How come pants and shorts have such shallow pockets? Pet peeve of mine. It’s like making a city bike without rack mounts. Save a dime and make the product useless? WTH?


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdx19m5 wrote

Due to global warming, my wife getting killed in a car wreck, and ptsd from being a firefighter paramedic, I pretty much hate cars and refuse to own or drive one. This has been my primary transportation for many, many years. I hate even being in a car. They are filthy homicidal/suicidal things…. Grrrr! (It’s okay to hate cars, and way overdue, feel free to join). So yeah, this bike is definitely not a wall decoration…


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdx2pl5 wrote

Rivendell model names are all over the place, with no rhyme or reason to any of them. One model is called ‘Susie Slugstone..’. Another is the ‘Platypus’. I find them much better than model ‘XTO’ or ‘BN-FG’.


AveBalaBrava t1_jdxgwyx wrote

In my case, the bikes I own are for sport, they are very expensive, because everything is expensive in Brasil, so I can’t use it around the neighborhood, because there’s a high chance I’ll be robbed of it, I only use mine to bike in the countryside (which isn’t super safe also), I myself hate driving, I would gladly go everywhere on a bike if we had more bike lanes and if it was safe to bring the expensive stuff we buy outside.


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdxou6e wrote

We have lots of bike theft, but not very many armed robberies.
I make sure I always lock my bike, keep it in sight (I use a titanium bow lock, which also makes a great club) and I use anti theft skewers on my wheels. So far, so good… I haven’t had to beat a bike thief with my lock…yet. I wish you the best. Stay safe!