Submitted by HaliBUTTsteak t3_120juca in BuyItForLife
AtomicRooster190 t1_jdi0zxz wrote
Buy it for life? By the time you need one of these you ain't got much time to live anyway.
Internal_Ad_255 t1_jdi1fzx wrote
Notmystationbro t1_jdicowj wrote
Once you hit 30 pal your nose and ear hair grow like friggin weeds
[deleted] t1_jdifbcz wrote
RRoyale57 t1_jdifzoi wrote
More like cocaine shotgun
workingtoward t1_jdiggt6 wrote
Once the blades get dull, it just pulls the hair out of your nose. Not BIFL unless your life expectancy is low or your pain threshold is high.
CMYKoi t1_jdiiou8 wrote
Be careful not to cut yourself on all that edge.™
[deleted] t1_jdiiry3 wrote
CMYKoi t1_jdijfsq wrote
The real catch here is ANY of these that aren't pure 20¢ Chinesium will last forever, because you don't exactly have a forest's worth of hair in your nose, nor would you need to go logging in them woods on a daily basis.
If you only have to use it 10-20x a year, for 1 minute, obviously it's going to outlast a pair of clippers shaving whole heads 50 times a day at a barbers, getting turned on and off frequently to change guards and lengths, at that.
An extremely high quality set of hair trimmers may be BIFL even used 6-10 hours 6 days a week, but any will work indefinitely if you use them once a year to shave your head bald for cancer awareness and seldom else.
Queeb_the_Dweeb t1_jdiku3u wrote
I'm not a hairy man in most areas, but my nose and my ass have been hairy jungles every since puberty. I've had to trim my nose hairs every ~2 weeks since I was 15.
Queeb_the_Dweeb t1_jdil4eq wrote
Meh, this is a wasted one-use product in my opinion.
My regular beard trimmer has a nose triming atatchment and I've never needed anything more.
Notmystationbro t1_jdiwrgx wrote
Wow you can predict the future! Can I have this week’s winning lottery numbers?
[deleted] t1_jdj10ky wrote
HaliBUTTsteak OP t1_jdj4h85 wrote
Don’t use this for butt hair removal. Especially don’t use it for butt then nose hair removal. This is not one size fits all tool.
Trobel1x t1_jdjawph wrote
I don't know why but it looks huge.
facebook57 t1_jdjkldk wrote
Have tried a bunch of different Panasonic ones and none of them compared to the Wahl I currently use. Bonus: the Wahl has different attachments and can trim lots of different types of hair with the same base.
Also, Panasonic has a worthless warranty and rude CS.
HaliBUTTsteak OP t1_jdhj8fz wrote
Here’s my Panasonic ER411 nose hair trimmer. I’ve had it for like 25 years. Turn it on, cram it up your nose, and mow away. I think I’ve changed the batteries maybe twice. Truly a buy it for life product!