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FlyPenFly t1_iry6obe wrote

MH is okay but third tier on the level of Marmot, TNF, Mammut, OR, and that sort.


ol_jerry t1_irybe1n wrote

I put OR above these for sure, but below Patagonia/arcteryx. Comparing them to marmot is not fair. Can’t speak for mammut though.


des09 t1_irysokj wrote

I'd put MAMMUT to the top, in my own opinion, I own 4 or 5 items and every one has exceeded expectations. OR is close, just a bit less consistent. Arc'teryx used to be amazing, but I stopped buying it because I feel the value just isn't there, too expensive.


FlyPenFly t1_irzcjpb wrote

Mammut has that super slim euro cut. Great if you’re that slim build. Bad if you like weights or a lot of desserts.

I burst through a pair of pants on the thighs when I had to carry a bunch of snowboards up a hill and my thighs swolled.


des09 t1_irzcps0 wrote

Very true, especially in their shirts.


Sukaphuk t1_is2b2qu wrote

I'd put all of them under swedish brand Klättermusen. Really impressed by their quality.


des09 t1_is34ci1 wrote

Thanks for the recommendation, but their USA prices are pretty astronomical. Its probably a combination of tariffs, hiding the shipping costs, and no interest in us as a market. Its too bad, because its really good looking stuff.