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Frogskin84 t1_irycs4w wrote

Icebreaker do some great products. Their tech lite merino t-shirts are great for hot summers with the wool regulating body temp much better than cotton t’s. I find I can wear them for a number of days without getting stinky too. Manufacture quality is really good and the quality of their merino is really excellent, doesn’t shrink like some of the imitation brands.

They do long sleeve tops most tend to be body fitted but buy a size up and it’s a better fit.

I’ve got t-shirts and a jacket that are going on 14yrs old and still worn regularly. Edit:Just keep them stored away from moths, I’ve lost a couple that way.

Underwear: Calvins Kleins, you have to be choosy about the model. I’ve got some that are 20yrs old and look like they’ve just been opened out the packet. My more recent purchases some have been great, some have already been thrown out because they just haven’t lasted. Many of the seams are glued now to produce a flatter finish but these come apart quickly.